Manitou Ruby Red For Too Smart

Sex:   Bitch
Date of birth:   25/01/2022

Health test results

Hip score: No score recorded
Elbow score: No score recorded
prcd-PRA: Clear (Hereditary 5 generations)
CEA/CH: Clear (Hereditary 6 generations)
DE: Clear
DM: Clear (Hereditary 3 generations)
JADD: Probable Clear
CP1: Clear
CLPS: Clear
CDMC: Unknown (No result recorded)
CLAM: Unknown (No result recorded)

Am GCh/Can Ch Katyra Avatar Thingamajigger

Am/Can Ch Katyra's Low Key Affair

Am/Can Ch Katyra's Flying Solo

Keepsake Brave Move For Katyra

Can Ch Katyra's Next Best Thing

Am GCh Brandywine June Louie Blue

Am/Can Ch Honeyrun's HiJinks At Keepsake

Am Ch Manitou Dancing In The Moonlight At Brynwood

Gold Star's Marshall Ducker

Am GCh Honeyrun High Noon At Keepsake

Am GCh Manitou Let's Dance On A Gold Star

Manitou's Cristal Rose

Am/Can GCh Readyfor Going To The Max

Can Ch Manitou's Granturismo