Show results for
Camusmor Whatadream ShCM

Sunday 3rd August 2014 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

2nd Veteran Dog

Nice head & eye with good earset. Good feet. Well muscled quarters with good tail carriage. Moved well but didn't have the positive action of 1.

Sunday 29th June 2014 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)

3rd Open Dog

Sunday 18th August 2013 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

Reserve Dog CC

2nd Open Dog

Excellent balance, shape and type on this dog, he flows through head, neck, body topline and tail set, good side profile action with the angles, excellent balance on the move, well set tail and loved his presence, not quite the strength and muscletone in body of first, but very close up, Res CC today.

Thursday 27th June 2013 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

Best Of Breed

Dog CC

1st Limit Dog

7 yr old dog, lovely head and expression, super outline with good topline, moves so well with balance and rhythm, just a little short of coat to complete the picture, but it was a quality coat, pleased to award him CC and BOB.

Saturday 9th March 2013 Crufts (CC) - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

3rd Limit Dog

Lovely head and expression, good body shape, good breed type and overall balance, also jaunty in attitude and covered ground well, needs more body finish and will give others an even closer run for their money.

Wednesday 17th October 2012 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)

Best Of Breed

Best Dog

1st Open Dog

So well balanced & pleasing to the eye, best of heads with correct neck into well laid shoulder, has depth & spring with plenty of forechest, correct feet with good pastern, correct length of body, good angulation with a moderate turn of stifle, in good coat & condition, on the move was sound & true covering the ground well. BOB.

Sunday 9th September 2012 Richmond - Mrs Ingrid Burt

2nd Limit Dog

Good head & eye, good type, correct in every way. Not the coat or body of 1. Moved OK.

Reserve Best Rare Breeds Dog (Judge: Mrs Sheila Jakeman (Tanlap))

1st Rare Breeds Open Dog (Judge: Mrs Sheila Jakeman (Tanlap))

Wednesday 12th October 2011 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)

3rd Open Dog

Saturday 30th April 2011 WELKS - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)

3rd Open Dog

Thursday 10th March 2011 Crufts - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

3rd Limit Dog

One I have judged before, still lots to like about him, pleasing head and eye but just not the coat or body of the one above him.

Wednesday 13th October 2010 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)

2nd Open Dog

Although more slightly built he has good breed type, balance in outline good head and ear set, his expression was alert strode out around the ring so well with tail held high.

Sunday 15th August 2010 Bournemouth - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

2nd Open Dog

This is a dog that I have always liked, but today was very short of coat which made him look long cast, super head and expression, moves so well with rhythm and drive.

Tuesday 3rd August 2010 Paignton - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

Res Open Dog

Sunday 14th March 2010 Crufts - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)

3rd Open Dog

A sound typical dog with pleasing expression and good front. Carrying tail well when moving. Just not the same presence as the two above him.

Saturday 12th December 2009 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Yvonne Burchell (Tivalake)

Res Open Dog

Saturday 8th August 2009 Bournemouth - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

Reserve Best Dog

1st Post Graduate Dog

Outstanding dog full of breed type, lovely head and eye, in excellent coat and condition, just needs a touch more body to finish, moved very well driving from his hocks, well presented and handled. Res BD.

Friday 5th June 2009 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Gloria Mitcham Geringer (USA)

2nd Post Graduate Dog

Again a good proper springy gait, good on the go around, not quite as good on the down and back as the first place dog.

Saturday 23rd May 2009 Bath - Mrs Freda Marshall (Gainspa)

Reserve Best Dog

1st Post Graduate Dog

Presents a beautiful picture of the breed showing off his attributes to advantage. Good colour with white markings in the right places. Good tail carriage, with a very pleasing outline and sound free movement. Reserve Best Dog.

Friday 12th December 2008 Ladies Kennel Association - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

1st Post Graduate Dog

Excellent mover with constant tail action. Good over body, topline, front and rear. Loved the head balance, nice ear and attentive eye. Good feet and moving with the jaunty action required.

Sunday 23rd November 2008 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)

1st Post Graduate Dog

I liked this chap in outline with correct head shape, almond eye and well carried ears. Good shoulder lay. Straight front, clean wither into level back. Nicely turned stifle and moving out with drive and good tail carriage. Pushed hard in the challenge.

Saturday 2nd August 2008 National Gundog Association - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

2nd Post Graduate Dog

Really liked this dog, good head & expression, good front, good topline & coat. Preferred angulation of 1.

Saturday 24th May 2008 Bath - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)

2nd Post Graduate Dog

Friday 7th March 2008 Crufts - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)

2nd Post Graduate Dog

Again a good type with that lovely head & expression I was looking for, slightly longer caste but this only helped to make him move round the ring effortlessly & with grace, elegant showman with a good neck & shoulder & lovely width & depth of ribcage, liked his bone & feet & showed his socks off to take his place.

Saturday 19th January 2008 Manchester - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

1st Post Graduate Dog

Won this class through being the soundest and most balanced throughout, good feet depth and tuck up, good bone and topline in excellent condition.

1st Rare Breeds Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Dr Ron James (Jasmorne))

Sunday 12th August 2007 Bournemouth - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

2nd Junior Dog

Litter brother to 1, once again maturing slowly. Correct head shape and ear carriage. Used his tail correctly. Today, he didn't behave himself for his handler, when settled he strode out well. Just preferred body & muscle tone of 1.

Saturday 26th May 2007 Bath - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

1st Junior Dog

VHC Pet Plan Special Junior Stakes Dog (Judge: Mr David Cavill)

Sunday 13th May 2007 Birmingham National - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

1st Junior Dog

Super head & expression, correctly carried ears, well balanced body, good legs & feet, moved with drive, what a showman, well presented & handled, very attentive to his handler.

Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)

1st Special Puppy Dog

Loved him. Typical head and outline. With biddable expression. In good double coat with soft, dense undercoat and repellent outer jacket. Good furnishings where desired at throat, behind ears and back of thighs. Super straight front, good topline and nicely made throughout. On the move gave combined picture of power and lightness of limb.

1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog

Friday 8th December 2006 Ladies Kennel Association

Res AVNSC Post Graduate Dog (Judge: Mrs J P Wood)

Saturday 25th November 2006 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

3rd Puppy Dog

Nice balance to the outline, although slightly finer through at this stage, good on the move with excellent proportions in shape, uses head and neck well (what a litter, congratulations).

Wednesday 18th October 2006 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)

3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch