CFyre's Prancing Across The Sky To Danehaven (Imp Can)

(Imported from Canada)

Pet name:  Prancer
Sex:   Dog
Date of birth:   22/12/2021
Owner:  Miss C Powley
Breeder:  D Fougere

Championship Show Results

(Including NSDTR Championship Shows)

General Open Show Results


1 Best Puppy in Breed

2 Puppy Group Placings

2 Reserve Best of Breed

6 Best Puppy in Breed

Health test results

Hip score: RH7/LH6=13 (ANKC)
Elbow score: 0
prcd-PRA: Clear (UC Davis)
CEA/CH: Clear (Hereditary 4 generations)
DE: Clear (OFA)
DM: Clear (UC Davis)
JADD: Probable Clear (UC Davis)
CP1: Clear (UC Davis)
CLPS: Clear (UC Davis)
CDDY/IVDD: N/N (Laboklin)
CDMC: Clear (UC Davis)
CLAM: Clear (UC Davis)
Colour genetics: DD
KC/BVA eye test: GPRA Unaffected 21/04/2024
Registered progeny: 27

Am/Can GCh Tollerpride Gathering Storm

Can/Am Ch OTCH Westerlea's Sir Edmund

Can Ch Small Fetcher Don Giovanni

Int/Can Ch Westerlea's Surprise Package

Duckers Scotia Piper

Ducker's Cape Island Sniper

Reddecoy's Sadie

Can Ch CFyre's Song Of the Phoenix

Can Ch Berdia's King Of The Village

Can Ch Berdia's Jacque of Spades

Dalry Mist Of Hope at Berdia

Can Ch Whitepoint's Celtic Zephyr

Can Ch Chedabucto's Precious Pup

Can Ch Kare's Whitepoint Breagh