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Maplesbright Dream Desire
Monday 11th August 2008 Bournemouth - Mrs Linda Upton (Tragus)
3rd Open Bitch
Sunday 23rd September 2007 Driffield - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
2nd Open Bitch
Sunday 16th September 2007 Darlington - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)
1st Veteran Dog Or Bitch
Has a good spring of rib. Oval shape to eye. Was not happy keeping tail down on the move but covered the ground really well.
Sunday 9th September 2007 Richmond - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
1st Veteran Bitch
Sunday 12th August 2007 Bournemouth - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)
3rd Open Bitch
Tuesday 12th June 2007 Three Counties - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
3rd Open Bitch
Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
3rd Veteran Bitch
Typical Toller with lovely head and well proportioned body. Wouldn't get her tail going.
Tuesday 3rd October 2006 Driffield - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
2nd Limit Bitch
Good spring of rib, nice bone, front and quality. A steady mover.
Sunday 17th September 2006 Darlington - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse)
1st Open Bitch
Mature bitch with very good head and expression. Well marked with a well constructed body. Good bone and feet. Strong well muscled hindquarters. Very sound mover but not using her tail on the day.
Sunday 10th September 2006 Richmond - Mrs Freda Marshall (Gainspa)
1st Veteran Bitch
Saturday 12th August 2006 Bournemouth - Mrs Carol Coode (Warringah)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
Rich deep colour, well made young lady, sweet head, good quarters front and rear, excellent ribs, topline and stifle, well boned, good feet, moving soundly in good coat. Reserve Best Bitch.
Wednesday 9th August 2006 United Retriever - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Open Bitch
Smaller type than first but well balanced. Nicely angulated shoulders & hindquarters. Moved round with good gait.
Saturday 5th August 2006 National Gundog Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
1st Special Veteran Bitch
7 years, lovely head, eye & expression, good front, feet, strong neck, topline & tailset, good spring of rib, good for size, good stifles, moved well.
Sunday 23rd July 2006 Leeds - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
Best for breed type in class, moved ok, RBB.
Friday 14th July 2006 Paignton - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
Reserve Best Bitch
2nd Open Bitch
Saturday 8th July 2006 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Tony Pascoe (Trewinnard)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
Saturday 24th June 2006 Blackpool - Mr John Sheridan (Wyndsmoor)
1st Limit Bitch
Sunday 18th September 2005 Darlington - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)
Res Open Bitch
Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
Friday 15th October 2004 Driffield - Miss Sharon Pinkerton (Bareve)
1st Limit Bitch
Lovely type. Very unsettled. Wedge shaped head, good neck, well ribbed body, oval feet, well angulated behind, good coat, moved OK but without any animation.
Sunday 26th September 2004 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Carol Coode (Warringah)
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Well constructed lady. Good ribs and topline. In super coat and sound mover. A longer muzzle than winner.
Sunday 19th September 2004 Darlington - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
Liked her size and type. Feminine head shape good eye colour. Stands on a straight front with shoulders well placed. Let down in brisket with ample length of rib. Well built back end. Moves with an easy action. Res BB.
Sunday 15th August 2004 Bournemouth - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
1st Limit Bitch
Wednesday 11th August 2004 United Retriever - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
3rd Limit Dog Or Bitch
Friday 16th July 2004 Paignton - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
1st Open Bitch
Needs a firmer temperament & her tail was down but she just managed to do enough! Lovely bitch, so typical all through, moves very well, correct shape & size, nice webbed feet, good colour.
Saturday 26th June 2004 Blackpool - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
2nd Limit Bitch
Very decent, good overall type, correct outline, well boned, super coat. Not as appealing in head & eye as 1.
Friday 12th March 2004 Crufts - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
Res Open Bitch
Friday 10th October 2003 Driffield - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Good head and eye. Well balanced with a strong topline. Good tailset and carriage. Well constructed front and very good hind angulation. Free sound mover with good reach and drive.
Sunday 14th September 2003 Darlington - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Post Graduate Bitch
RBB. Super size, character could be firmer and she would not use her tail. Ok for head, flat cheeks, moderate stop, ear set high and well back, lovely eyes but a worried expression. Good build and angulation. Very sound and precise mover. Fairly springy but not jaunty unfortunately on the day. Coat double but could lay a bit flatter. Nice colour.
Saturday 21st June 2003 Blackpool - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Sound, beautifully constructed, showing well on the move but not relishing handling. Glorious head, eye & expression, well placed ears, good neck & topline, in good coat. RBB.
Friday 16th May 2003 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Peter Harper (Pitswarren)
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Monday 12th August 2002 Bournemouth - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
It was a shame I couldn't really assess this bitch, but she did move well.
Sunday 7th July 2002 Paignton - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
VHC Post Graduate Bitch
Sunday 16th September 2001 Darlington - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Friday 2nd June 2000 Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Import Register Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mrs Di Johnson (Dicarl))