Show results for
Melanitta Fazzination
Saturday 27th June 2009 Blackpool - Dr Annukka Paloheimo (Finland)
3rd Veteran Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 7th March 2009 Crufts - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
Res Veteran Dog
Wednesday 15th October 2008 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 31st August 2008 City of Birmingham
Res AVNSC Open Dog (Judge: Mrs A Arch)
Wednesday 8th August 2007 United Retriever - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
3rd Limit Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 7th July 2007 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
Res Open Dog
Tuesday 12th June 2007 Three Counties - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 26th May 2007 Bath - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Res Open Dog
Wednesday 9th August 2006 United Retriever - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
3rd Open Dog
Saturday 5th August 2006 National Gundog Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 24th June 2006 Blackpool - Mr John Sheridan (Wyndsmoor)
3rd Limit Dog
Wednesday 14th June 2006 Three Counties - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
VHC Open Dog
Saturday 27th May 2006 Bath - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
Res Open Dog
Sunday 12th March 2006 Crufts - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
C Open Dog
Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
2nd Open Dog
Friday 15th July 2005 Paignton - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
VHC Post Graduate Dog
Saturday 25th June 2005 Blackpool - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)
1st Limit Dog
Wednesday 11th August 2004 United Retriever - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
1st Limit Dog Or Bitch
This dog has a pleasing head with good eye set and shape. He was compact with balance, a good front with correct bone and plenty of forechest. He has good angulation. Shown in good coat and condition. On the move he was positive with drive.
Saturday 7th August 2004 National Gundog Association - Mrs Peggy Grayson (Westacres)
3rd Graduate Dog
Friday 16th July 2004 Paignton - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
2nd Post Graduate Dog
Taller boy & folds his ears back, beautiful head, correct tapering of muzzle & almond eyes, OK in front although needs a bit more forechest. Deep chest, nice rear, lovely waving tail & double coat.
Saturday 10th July 2004 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
1st Post Graduate Dog
Balanced outline - in the challenge not in the best of coats.
Saturday 26th June 2004 Blackpool - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
3rd Post Graduate Dog
Friday 12th March 2004 Crufts - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
2nd Post Graduate Dog
Not as typical as winner. Could have moved better.
Sunday 28th September 2003 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
Res Open Dog Or Bitch
Wednesday 13th August 2003 United Retriever - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 21st June 2003 Blackpool - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
2nd Post Graduate Dog
Wednesday 14th August 2002 United Retriever - Mr Peter Johnson (Downstream)
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Thursday 11th July 2002 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)
1st Post Graduate Dog
Sunday 10th March 2002 Crufts - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
1st Post Graduate Dog
Really bright alert attitude. Good earset and carriage. Well constructed body, compact, well muscled, good bone and feet. Excellent double coat of the correct texture. Good tail, well set and good carriage on the move.
Saturday 4th August 2001 National Gundog Association - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
2nd Junior Dog
Friday 13th July 2001 Paignton - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
1st Junior Dog