Show results for
Danehaven Nanika

Sunday 9th March 2014 Crufts (CC) - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)

3rd Veteran Bitch

Good size and shape of good type, with pleasing head and good length of muzzle, strong neck, pleasing bone and feet, perhaps could lose a few pounds to advantage, steady mover.

Saturday 22nd June 2013 Blackpool - Mr Per Iversen (Norway)

1st Veteran Dog Or Bitch

A feminine 10 yr old bitch of good size, good head, but would like a bit more stop, good reach of neck and well developed body, not in her best coat, moved freely.

Saturday 9th March 2013 Crufts (CC) - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

2nd Veteran Bitch

Lovely breed type and good expression, good size, good bone, feet and depth, good tail, not as finished as the winner but also lots to like.

Saturday 4th August 2012 National Gundog Association - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)

3rd Veteran Bitch

Saturday 9th October 2010 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Lovely dark red colour. Wedge shaped head, almond shaped kind eye, correct ears. Good front and angles, correct height. Lacked sparkle. Needs to lose some weight which would give her far more advantage in the ring. RBB.

Sunday 12th September 2010 Richmond - Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)

3rd Open Bitch

Friday 9th July 2010 East of England

3rd AVNSC Open Bitch (Judge: Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor))

Sunday 25th October 2009 Midland Counties - Monique Van Brempt (Belgium)

3rd Open Bitch

Friday 8th May 2009 Birmingham National - Mrs Margaret Holmes (Emmaclan)

Res Open Bitch

Friday 12th December 2008 Ladies Kennel Association - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 24th November 2007 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)

2nd Limit Bitch

Red bitch. Not really balanced enough, not having the length required. Expression spoilt by folded ears.

Sunday 23rd September 2007 Driffield - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)

2nd Limit Bitch

Saturday 19th May 2007 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Ray Strudwick (Burpham)

3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)

Res Open Bitch

Sunday 21st January 2007 Manchester - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 25th November 2006 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Friday 19th May 2006 Scottish Kennel Club - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)

Best Bitch

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

A pretty bitch with a well made body who moved soundly. BB.

Saturday 13th May 2006 Birmingham National - Mrs Carol Macleod (Camusmor)

2nd Open Bitch

Larger type than winner. Good front although inclined to be lazy when stood. Good depth of body.

Sunday 12th March 2006 Crufts - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)

VHC Open Bitch

Thursday 19th January 2006 Manchester - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Res Best Bitch. Handler gets the very best from this bitch, certainly moves with a 'jaunty' gait. Soundness and a true action is all there. Feminine headpiece with a very kind eye.

Friday 14th October 2005 Driffield - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

1st Limit Bitch

A difficult class to judge all exhibits were of a different type so could change places many times. Winner won with her breed type and best head and ear carriage. Moved well although she was carrying too much weight due to a false pregnancy.

Sunday 18th September 2005 Darlington - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Nice legs, feet and pasterns. Good bend of stifle. Good mover.

Monday 15th August 2005 Bournemouth - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)

3rd Limit Bitch

Wednesday 10th August 2005 United Retriever - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)

Res Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 25th June 2005 Blackpool - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)

Res Limit Bitch

Sunday 22nd May 2005 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 12th March 2005 Crufts - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Nice make and shape built on flowing lines with good conformation and good bone. She has a well balanced head. neck and topline, her underline has a littler bit too much tuck up for me, but this could improve as she matures, carrying just the right amount of weight. She has rugged hindquarters. Moves well with good driving action.

Friday 15th October 2004 Driffield - Miss Sharon Pinkerton (Bareve)

2nd Junior Bitch

Larger bitch, wedge shaped head, dark eyes & nose, well boned limbs, oval feet, lengthy neck, well ribbed body, good coat, moved well. Slightly bum high in the stack.

Saturday 7th August 2004 National Gundog Association - Mrs Peggy Grayson (Westacres)

3rd Puppy Bitch

Saturday 15th May 2004 Scottish Kennel Club - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)

Best Bitch

3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Thursday 6th May 2004 Birmingham National - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)

VHC Puppy Bitch