Show results for
Camusmor Bruichladdich At Tilita ShCM
Sunday 23rd March 2014 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)
3rd Veteran Dog Or Bitch
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 9th March 2014 Crufts (CC) - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)
Res Veteran Dog
Saturday 23rd November 2013 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)
2nd Veteran Dog Or Bitch
Nearly 10. Masculine dog, I preferred his head & expression to that of 1st, splendid coat, good bone, strong body, such a happy dog standing & moving. Not going as well in front as 1st but a very healthy & fit looking veteran.
Wednesday 16th October 2013 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Veteran Dog Or Bitch
Male in 10th year looking as good as ever. Broad clean skull, good ear placement & almond eye, in lovely condition both in coat & muscle tone. Well feathered tail which he used to advantage, good substance to body, well sprung ribs & tuckup, well muscled hindquarters & hocks well let down, moving true with good drive in profile. RBD & BV.
Friday 11th October 2013 South Wales Kennel Association - Miss Hazel Strevens (Tollisty)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Nearly 10 year old dog. Does not act or look his age! Happy wagging tail all the time. In fantastic coat, one of the best movers of the day. Very close but just preferred head of BD. RBD.
Sunday 25th August 2013 Scottish Kennel Club (2) - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
Hard to believe that this boy is closer to 10 than 9! I wrote on the day 'He still has it!'. Wedge shaped head with larger ears but still a true Toller expression, almond shaped eyes of amber hue blending with his abundant red coat. Good strong neck into well laid back shoulders and correct return of upper arm. Well angulated with good bone and strong rear pasterns. Correct tail set and that lovely Toller tail used to his advantage. Pleased to find him in good fit trim and so well muscled. Excellent true movement and this, together with his maturity, gave him the edge over the Junior Dog today. Best Dog and Best of Breed.
Saturday 3rd August 2013 Paignton - Mrs Sarah Sevastopulo (Oldholbans)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
An old favourite of mine, just starting to show his age, so correct for make, shape and overall construction. Lovely head, and true expression, in superb coat and moved out so well. RBD.
Friday 10th May 2013 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
2nd Veteran Dog
Brother to winner and again still quite capable of taking top honours.
Saturday 9th March 2013 Crufts (CC) - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)
1st Veteran Dog
Medium sized balanced dog in very good condition, compact and with good bone, good width of skull and balanced wedge head, well placed ears, in excellent double coat and covered ground with good springy action.
2nd Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog
Friday 11th January 2013 Boston - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Open Dog
Bigger framed dog than first, well off for coat, correct skull, shape and ears, level topline held well on the move, well developed quarters, moved out soundly. A little heavy over the shoulder and loin.
Sunday 16th December 2012 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Samantha Savory (Croftwell/Katimba)
2nd Veteran Dog
Good quality boy, pleasing head, excellent bone, loved his character. Just a little too heavy.
1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog
Sunday 29th April 2012 WELKS - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)
2nd Open Dog
8yr still happy in the ring. Unfortunately has good competition from the youngsters. Correct angles and tail carriage. In good coat. Moved ok.
Friday 9th March 2012 Crufts - Mrs Louise Roffey (Acanuck)
3rd Veteran Dog
Kind head and expression, shoulders laid back, level topline, good hindquarters, moved well.
Sunday 22nd January 2012 Manchester - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
3rd Open Dog
Friday 6th January 2012 Boston - Mrs Sarah Sevastopulo (Oldholbans)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
BD & BOB. Excellent dog, mature and with a fabulous make and shape. Super double coat. Love his head and expression, well carried ears, strong, deep powerful body, super angulation and powerful jaunty movement. Has matured into a super example of the breed.
Saturday 12th November 2011 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Annika Ulltveit-Moe (Sweden)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 25th June 2011 Blackpool - Mr Jonathan Daltrey (Bananadance)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
An old favourite who, although different in type to 1, pushed him all the way. Super animation, totally at one with his handler. Just not as positive & accurate going away & had to settle for RBD.
Friday 3rd June 2011 Southern Counties Canine Association - Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (Finland)
3rd Veteran Dog Or Bitch
1st Rare Breeds Veteran Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Kari Järvinen (Finland))
Saturday 26th June 2010 Blackpool - Mr Ray Strudwick (Burpham)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
RBD. Favourite dog I have judged many times, true toller, another so typical in head, well placed shoulders, level back, short coupled, strong well rounded quarters, looked a picture on the move.
Wednesday 9th June 2010 Three Counties - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)
2nd Open Dog
Well bodied dog, somewhat longer coupled than 1 & a little heavier in ear, could have used his tail more. Moved with drive.
Saturday 22nd May 2010 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield)
3rd Open Dog
Saturday 8th May 2010 Birmingham National - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
VHC Open Dog
Friday 23rd April 2010 WELKS - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 14th March 2010 Crufts - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 21st November 2009 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)
2nd Open Dog
Longer cast than 1 but the same qualities, head, earset, moderate length to strong neck, in full coat, moved well with correct tail carriage.
Saturday 14th November 2009 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Per Iversen (Norway)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Excellent masculine dog, masculine well shaped head, very good neck and shoulders, level topline, good tail carriage, sound mover, well presented. BOB.
Sunday 6th September 2009 City of Birmingham - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 1st August 2009 National Gundog Association - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
3rd Open Dog
Thursday 2nd July 2009 Windsor - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
3rd Open Dog
An old favourite.
Thursday 18th June 2009 Three Counties - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
3rd Open Dog
Friday 5th June 2009 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Gloria Mitcham Geringer (USA)
Res Open Dog
Friday 8th May 2009 Birmingham National - Mrs Margaret Holmes (Emmaclan)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 18th January 2009 Manchester - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)
3rd Open Dog
Friday 9th January 2009 Boston - Mrs Carolyn Muirhead (Shipden)
Group 4 (Judge: Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple))
Compact little red dog in good coat, he presented a balanced and typical outline and attitude. Good head and expression, neck and body with typical tail set and carriage. Busy little mover, sound as a bell.
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Sunday 23rd November 2008 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Open Dog
Heavier in type than winner and a little longer cast. Strong boned and well coated. Balanced head with nice friendly expression. Good front assembly, strong neck into a good level backline. Powerful quarters. Could not quite match the drive of winner.
Saturday 8th November 2008 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Jonathan Daltrey (Bananadance)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
A favourite of mine, super head and eye, correct ear placement and carriage, balanced in outline and today was holding a super topline, carrying just the right amount of weight, he moved to perfection. BD and Best of Breed.
Saturday 25th October 2008 Midland Counties - Mrs Ferelith Somerfield (Oudenarde)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
Full brother to 1 & again a lovely dog. In lovely coat & condition, pleasing head, good body, moved & showed well. Just a little heavier than 1. RBD.
Sunday 7th September 2008 Richmond - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)
2nd Open Dog
4 years old male. Good type. Nice head, neck and shoulders. good bone. Nice body and topline. Good quarters. Nice angulation. Went well.
Wednesday 6th August 2008 Paignton - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Tuesday 15th July 2008 East of England
Best AVNSC Dog (Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig))
1st AVNSC Open Dog (Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig))
An old favourite of mine and did not let me down on the day. Lovely shape and outline. In superb body tome and condition with a lovely well presented jacket with all the correct points. Masculine head, dark kind eyes and expression, correct ear shape. Just a lovely dog to go over and watch move. Nice tail carriage. BD and BOS.
Saturday 5th July 2008 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Jinty Gill-Davies (Rosecourt)
2nd Open Dog
Litter brother of 1. Scored in quality, substance, masculinity & breed type. Excellent skull, eye shape & colour, intelligent expression, good head carriage & powerfully built forehand, well made limbs & feet, robust chest & well sprung ribs, strong back & loin, correct hindquarters, sound free mover, workmanlike & very honest.
Friday 27th June 2008 Windsor - Mrs Carol Coode (Warringah)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Super balanced outline. Good head piece, neat ears. Good neck set into well made forequarters. Great ribs with spring, depth and length. Loin short and strong. Topline strong. Well angulated rear end. Excellent bone and feet. Moved very truly. BD and BOB.
Friday 30th May 2008 Southern Counties Canine Association - Marja Talvitie (Finland)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 24th May 2008 Bath - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
Res Open Dog
Thursday 8th May 2008 Birmingham National - Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Open Dog
RBD. Grand pattern. Good body, legs and feet. Moving with drive.
Friday 7th March 2008 Crufts - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
These two brothers, out of the two veteran winners are great ambassadors for the breed, he too exudes breed type, is well made & put down to the minute, showed & moved well, most of l's comments applies to him too but to nitpick today I just preferred the balance of 1's head but going round the ring they certainly made an excellent BD & RBD.
Saturday 24th November 2007 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)
2nd Open Dog
A fully mature profusely coated litter brother of the winner. Super head and friendly expression. Strong bone and tight feet. Although a strong powerful mover not the lightness on the move of his brother.
Friday 26th October 2007 Midland Counties - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
3rd Open Dog
Wednesday 17th October 2007 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 9th September 2007 Richmond - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
2nd Open Dog
Saturday 7th July 2007 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Clean, wedge shaped head. Good eye, ear shape and set. Strong clean neck, firm topline. Good bone and feet. Well ribbed, strong loin and quarters. Short back. Good tailset and carriage on the move. In full coat with good undercoat. Typical jaunty movement. Plenty of substance. BOB.
Saturday 23rd June 2007 Blackpool - Mrs Ferelith Somerfield (Oudenarde)
2nd Limit Dog
Tuesday 12th June 2007 Three Counties - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
3rd Open Dog
Friday 1st June 2007 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Peggy Beisel-Mcilwaine (USA)
3rd Limit Dog
Sunday 13th May 2007 Birmingham National - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)
3rd Open Dog
Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
Another dog of star quality. A strong, powerful dog who is very sound on the move. Good head and type. In fabulous coat. Really soft, dense undercoat and straight repellent top coat. Just right for furnishings. Good front, lovely straight forelegs with neat feet. Strongly muscled neck and deep chest. Ribs well sprung and carried well back. Plenty of body, perhaps a shade too much. Excellent full and bushy tail.
Sunday 21st January 2007 Manchester - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)
3rd Open Dog
Lovely head and expression, well angulated, good top-line, dripping in coat, moved extremely well, could have beaten his litter brother if in my opinion, he had been carrying less weight.
Saturday 25th November 2006 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)
1st Limit Dog
Strong, powerful dog with great coat and tailset. Excellent balance and strength overall, carries good type and style in body, head qualities balance this body, good eye and ear set, he has a good front with quality bone, he moves with a positive front, rear and side action, pushed the main winners hard in the end decisions.
Saturday 11th November 2006 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Philip Green (Tamaritz)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Limit Dog Or Bitch
Nice dog, full bodied with full coat & well feathered tail. Nice head & expression. Good bone with good front & feet. Good depth of body & turn of stifle. Sound & moved well.
Wednesday 18th October 2006 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
I can't believe I put this lovely dog second, because every time I have been lucky enough to judge the breed he has been my winner, but on the day he came up against his sire and although he matched him admirably he just had some points of immaturity. Super head, well developed lovely eye and expression. Well bodied with depth, lovely conditioned coat of quality colour and good points. Moved free and very soundly with nice tail action and carriage. RBD.
Tuesday 3rd October 2006 Driffield - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Limit Dog
Good body, balance and correct bone and ribs. True mover, has done - and will continue to do - well. Res Best Dog.
Friday 29th September 2006 Belfast - Mrs Ellen Dobson (Teesview)
2nd Open Dog
Sunday 10th September 2006 Richmond - Mrs Freda Marshall (Gainspa)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Limit Dog
Sunday 20th August 2006 Welsh Kennel Club - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Saturday 12th August 2006 Bournemouth - Mrs Carol Coode (Warringah)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Limit Dog
Well balanced, a super animal, excellent head, well constructed front and rear, well turned stifle, good legs and feet, in good coat and a sound mover. Pleased to award him Best Dog and Best of Breed.
Wednesday 9th August 2006 United Retriever - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Limit Dog Or Bitch
This well known male had profuse coat, feathering & excellent tail with very good markings. However, he was rather heavy over his length of loin which seemed to restrict his drive.
Saturday 5th August 2006 National Gundog Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
Reserve Best Dog
2nd Open Dog
These two could change places any time. Just coming into his own, maturing on the right lines. Same comments as 1 but Dad just outmoved him here but this young dog is for the future. Lovely type. RBD.
Sunday 23rd July 2006 Leeds - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
Excellent dog of good breed type with the correct movement & the carriage, BD & BOB.
Friday 14th July 2006 Paignton - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 8th July 2006 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Tony Pascoe (Trewinnard)
2nd Open Dog
Saturday 24th June 2006 Blackpool - Mr John Sheridan (Wyndsmoor)
1st Limit Dog
Wednesday 14th June 2006 Three Counties - Dr Ruth Barbour (Dunlan)
2nd Open Dog
Friday 2nd June 2006 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Limit Dog
Well balanced dog, with a masculine head. Good construction with well angulated hindquarters, moved and showed well and in immaculate condition, RBD.
Sunday 12th March 2006 Crufts - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
Res Open Dog
Thursday 19th January 2006 Manchester - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Open Dog
I liked this chap's headpiece, lovely finish to muzzle and a good keen expression. Stands on very good straight bone with compact feet. Spring of rib and soundness in quarters first class. The ideal would be to have him that little bit shorter, but his many breed points outweigh this. Won Best Dog and BOB on his very sound movement, so true going away, no weakness at all in rear pasterns.
Saturday 10th December 2005 Ladies Kennel Association
2nd AVNSC Open Dog (Judge: Mr J Carter)
Good wedge shaped head. Good front, bone, body and hindquarters. Sound in movement, would like a better topline.
Saturday 12th November 2005 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Limit Dog Or Bitch
What a star! Cracking head with masculine expression, correct skull shape, lovely ears, correct eyes. Strong and powerful neck leading into well placed shoulders. Well off for bone. Lovely tight feet. Excellent topline. Excellent bend of stifle. Very well muscled with second thigh muscle. Correct tailset. Moved with real drive coming and going. BD and BOB. Thank you for giving me the opportunity of going over a lovely dog.
Friday 14th October 2005 Driffield - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)
1st Limit Dog
Superbly presented in lovely coat and condition. Strong bone and feet. Head a little strong but well carried ears. Very powerful hindquarters, but was not using them on the day to full advantage. Was carrying a little too much weight over the loin.
Sunday 18th September 2005 Darlington - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)
3rd Post Graduate Dog
Friday 9th September 2005 Richmond
Reserve Best AVNSC Dog (Judge: Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum))
1st AVNSC Yearling Dog (Judge: Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum))
Sunday 21st August 2005 Welsh Kennel Club - Mrs Freda Marshall (Gainspa)
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Best Rare Breeds (Judge: Mr A Mackenzie)
Best Rare Breeds Dog (Judge: Mr A Mackenzie)
1st Rare Breeds Open Dog (Judge: Mr A Mackenzie)
NSDTR. Good head and eye, nice neck into good shoulders. Good legs and feet and moved well.
Monday 15th August 2005 Bournemouth - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Post Graduate Dog
Super young dog in excellent condition. Very pleased to have the opportunity to judge him. Good wedge shaped head with broad slightly rounded skull and tapering muzzle ending with well developed nostrils. Good neck and shoulders, balanced by good hind angulation and musculation. Lovely straight forelegs with neat feet. Deep brisket and good chest and ribbing. Well angulated hindquarters. I felt his back, although level, was rather too long and tended to unbalance his overall outline. Moved out well with beautifully carried, bushy tail. RBD.
Wednesday 10th August 2005 United Retriever - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Pleasing young male who has done very well, now going through the stage when he needs to mature a little more, good head & eye, moderate length of neck with well laid shoulder, well bodied, good coat & feet, would just like him a shade shorter coupled, moved well, could find nothing to beat him for BOB, one can see he adores his handler, brother to BB.
Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
2nd Post Graduate Dog
Friday 15th July 2005 Paignton - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Reserve Best Dog
1st Post Graduate Dog
Saturday 9th July 2005 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
1st Post Graduate Dog
Very nice with a lovely head, eyes and good ear placement. Good neck, good front and bone. Good shoulders, good spring of rib and good stifles. Good thick double coat. Good tail carriage and moved well to win this class.
Best AVNSC Dog (Judge: Dr Ron James (Jasmorne))
1st AVNSC Post Graduate Dog (Judge: Dr Ron James (Jasmorne))
Saturday 25th June 2005 Blackpool - Mr Andrew Brace (Tragband)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Post Graduate Dog
Thursday 16th June 2005 Three Counties - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Post Graduate Dog
Best Dog and Best of Breed. Outstanding for breed type. Superb head, good eye shape and set and alert ear carriage. Good bone and feet, well constructed shoulder, good length, depth and spring of rib. Strong quarters. Good coat, confident and impressive on the move.
Sunday 22nd May 2005 Scottish Kennel Club - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 12th March 2005 Crufts - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)
Best Of Breed
Best Dog
1st Special Junior Dog
Another good type, wonderful head shape, moderate stop and good muzzle length, good ear set and correct pigmentation, correct straight forelegs of ideal length, level topline. Would prefer a shorter back and loin to be hypercritical. Good shoulder and upper arm angulation, well angulated hindquarters provided the power, has good muscle. Exhibits a sound trotting action with style and a great deal of ring presence. Condition and presentation A1 Best Dog and Best of Breed.
Friday 29th October 2004 Midland Counties
3rd AVNSC Puppy Dog (Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson (Benzfreya))
Friday 15th October 2004 Driffield - Miss Sharon Pinkerton (Bareve)
2nd Puppy Dog
So very similar in type to his brother but head wasn't quite so balanced as stop was deeper set. Eyes although had a friendly expression were more rounded & his ears that were well set were larger. Strong neck, well boned limbs, very good ribbing, well angulated behind, moved with reach & drive, super coat.
2nd Junior Dog
1st Special Yearling Dog
3rd Purina Pro-Plan/Dog World Puppy Stakes Dog (Judge: Mr Gordon Rual)
Saturday 11th September 2004 Richmond
2nd AVNSC Puppy Dog (Judge: Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat))
V well made Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, liked his head, good neck, good front assembly, can just firm in top line, strong rear, nice mover.
2nd AVNSC Junior Dog (Judge: Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat))
Sunday 5th September 2004 City of Birmingham
Best AVNSC (Judge: Mrs C Coxall)
Best AVNSC Dog (Judge: Mrs C Coxall)
Best AVNSC Puppy (Judge: Mrs C Coxall)
1st AVNSC Puppy Dog (Judge: Mrs C Coxall)
Wednesday 11th August 2004 United Retriever - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
RBPIS (Judge: Mr Per Iversen (Norway))
Best Puppy
2nd Novice Dog Or Bitch
At just 8 months this young dog shows great promise. He is very mature for his age with overall soundness and balance. Pleasing head, neck and shoulder with good body proportions. Shown in good coat and condition. On the move he was steady. One to watch for the future. Best Puppy in Breed. Delighted to see him take Reserve Best Puppy in Show.
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 7th August 2004 National Gundog Association - Mrs Peggy Grayson (Westacres)
2nd Puppy Dog
Built on similar lines. Two nice pups.
2nd Junior Dog
Saturday 10th July 2004 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)
2nd Puppy Dog
Not quite the finish of the winner but a really lovely puppy.
Saturday 3rd July 2004 Windsor
2nd AVNSC Puppy Dog (Judge: Mr P Jolley)
Res The Catherine Sutton Memorial Puppy Stakes Dog (Judge: Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat))