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Danehaven Murray With Hollymist
Sunday 14th October 2012 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Carol Macleod (Camusmor)
2nd Open Dog
Larger in type than 1st. Again pleasing head, neck and quarters.
Saturday 4th August 2012 National Gundog Association - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
3rd Veteran Dog
Friday 22nd July 2011 Leeds - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
VHC Open Dog
Friday 8th July 2011 East of England
3rd AVNSC Limit Dog (Judge: Mr G Talbot)
Saturday 2nd July 2011 Windsor - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
Res Open Dog
Sunday 12th December 2010 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Linda Upton (Tragus)
VHC Open Dog
Saturday 13th November 2010 Gundog Breeds of Scotland - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
2nd Open Dog
An excellent type, many of the fundamentals are correct and as he approaches six years of age he should do very well as a veteran. A little more breadth of skull may be to his advantage but he is well angulated in the shoulders with good strength of neck, strong bone and firm feet. He would also have benefitted with a bit more spring of rib and condition today, losing his coat as he appeared to be, but he was against a winner in top form on the day. A pleasing outline overall if slightly over angulated in the stifles, he is short coupled and moved acceptably.
Sunday 25th July 2010 Leeds - Mr Martin Widdowson (Corlitgold)
Res Open Dog
Saturday 25th July 2009 Leeds - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 14th September 2008 Darlington - Mr Glen Vernon (Australia)
VHC Post Graduate Dog
Sunday 7th September 2008 Richmond - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)
2nd Limit Dog
3 years old male up to size. Pleasing head and eye. Good neck and shoulders well laid. Liked more width all through. Nice quarters and set on.
Monday 28th July 2008 Leeds - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)
3rd Open Dog
Sunday 22nd July 2007 Leeds - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)
2nd Post Graduate Dog
Good head and eye, pleasing expression and nice ear set. Good front with good bone and feet. Pleasing rib and loin. leading to good rear quarters. Moved well.
Thursday 8th March 2007 Crufts - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
3rd Post Graduate Dog
A neat package of good type and sound construction. Moved well with good carriage of tail. Not the coat or rib of above on the day.
Sunday 23rd July 2006 Leeds - Mrs Barbara Hargreaves (Ghyllbeck)
3rd Post Graduate Dog
Sunday 12th March 2006 Crufts - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
2nd Special Junior Dog
Another youngster with a pleasing head and expression. He has a good depth and spring of rib, good length and well set tail. Unfortunately he was not in his best coat today. His movement was sound and steady.
Friday 14th October 2005 Driffield - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog
11 months old well grown and up to size with a good outline. Nice head and expression with well carried ears. Strong bone with good feet. Good topline and tail carriage. Just needs to mature and tighten in front movement. BPIB.
Sunday 18th September 2005 Darlington - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)
3rd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Monday 15th August 2005 Bournemouth - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
1st Junior Dog
Very nice 9 month old puppy who was very sound on the move with true and springy action. Clean cut skull, good lift to ears. Good neck and shoulders, tight feet. Compact, but felt he looks a little tall. In super condition with straight, repellant coat. Nicely animated on the move, with well used flag.
Wednesday 10th August 2005 United Retriever - Mrs Babs Harding (Brizewood)
VHC Junior Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 6th August 2005 National Gundog Association - Mr Keith Nathan (Supernova)
1st Puppy Dog
Saturday 9th July 2005 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
1st Puppy Dog
7 months old with a lovely head and good ear placement. Good shape eyes, good front and feet. Good bone, good spring of rib, good topline and short back. Carried his tail well and moved well.
Thursday 16th June 2005 Three Counties - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog
Best Puppy. Well shaped head, almond shape well set eye. Liked his body proportions. Good tailset and carriage. In good coat, very impressive on the move.