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Trevargh Tickled To Death

Saturday 2nd August 2008 National Gundog Association - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Graduate Dog

Very balanced on the move. Head was a little fine, markings were just permissible, not the best front in the world but this was the way he was being stood, coat was not in the best condition & could do with carrying more weight, the coat, front & weight the owner can do something about, by possibly altering his feeding regime, attending ring craft classes & getting advice re grooming him.

Monday 9th June 2008 Three Counties - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)

3rd Junior Dog

Friday 30th May 2008 Southern Counties Canine Association - Marja Talvitie (Finland)

VHC Junior Dog

Thursday 8th May 2008 Birmingham National - Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum)

Res Junior Dog

Saturday 24th November 2007 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)

Res Puppy Dog