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Foxdown Look At Me With Culmgillie

Wednesday 13th October 2010 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Pleasing head and neck clean shoulder did not have the movement of 1.

Saturday 7th August 2010 National Gundog Association - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Wednesday 14th October 2009 Gundog Society of Wales - Mrs Louise Roffey (Acanuck)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 23rd August 2009 Welsh Kennel Club - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Tendency to stand a little slack in topline but her handler could rectify this by keeping her more alert and focussed. Attractive head, good body and bone. Side gait looked fine but failed in hind movement going away from me.

Wednesday 12th August 2009 United Retriever - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Different type to 1, larger framed bitch, nice head & eye good ear set. Good body. Moved well with correct tail carriage. Coat was not at its best.

VHC Limit Bitch

Tuesday 4th August 2009 Paignton - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 1st August 2009 National Gundog Association - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

Res Graduate Bitch

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 27th June 2009 Blackpool - Dr Annukka Paloheimo (Finland)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Bigger bitch with excellent proportions & type, good expression, good markings. Coat not at its best. Moves well.

2nd Limit Bitch

Thursday 18th June 2009 Three Counties - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 23rd November 2008 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)

2nd Novice Bitch

Bigger type than winner. Very pleasing head features. Good depth to brisket. Ribs well sprung and well developed quarters. Tends to splay front feet when standing but moved admirably.

Sunday 31st August 2008 City of Birmingham

3rd AVNSC Junior Bitch (Judge: Mrs A Arch)

Sunday 17th August 2008 Welsh Kennel Club - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

1st Junior Bitch

Wednesday 13th August 2008 United Retriever - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

Res Junior Dog Or Bitch

Wednesday 6th August 2008 Paignton - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)

3rd Junior Bitch

Saturday 2nd August 2008 National Gundog Association - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

2nd Junior Bitch

Well muscled, moved well. A little high at the rear when standing which made her look leggy. Unfortunately had to say the last rites over her coat.

Saturday 5th July 2008 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Jinty Gill-Davies (Rosecourt)

2nd Junior Bitch

16 months old up to size and more racy in build. Would prefer a shade more angulation in forehand and substance in ribcage. Clean limbs and feet. In good condition and well handled.

Saturday 21st June 2008 Blackpool - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)

2nd Junior Bitch

Rangy bitch lacking a little in type. Good bone and substance. Moved ok.

Monday 9th June 2008 Three Counties - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)

1st Junior Bitch

An appealing young bitch when she behaves. She was very distracted by the ground smells, the previous breed in the ring had left titbits. She is typical in outline and moves well due to good front and rear angulation.

Saturday 24th May 2008 Bath - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)

Res Junior Bitch

Saturday 19th January 2008 Manchester - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

Res Puppy Bitch

Wednesday 17th October 2007 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)

Res Junior Bitch

Sunday 9th September 2007 Richmond - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)

3rd Puppy Bitch