Show results for
Decoymans Piper Cinder At Tollisty RL2 HTM St Ex

Sunday 4th September 2022 City of Birmingham - Ms Andrea Adshead (Afonbach)

2nd Veteran Bitch

Finer type, lovely feminine expression, she pleases in her moderate angulation, and her proportions are correct. She moved incredibly well for age defying her 13 years.

Wednesday 10th August 2022 United Retriever (CC) - Mrs Carol Macleod (Camusmor)

VHC Veteran Bitch

Sunday 3rd July 2022 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)

VHC Veteran Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 11th December 2021 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

3rd Veteran Bitch

Sunday 11th August 2019 Bournemouth - Miss Caroline Hipkiss (Deltandamba)

Res Limit Bitch

3rd Open Bitch

Wednesday 7th August 2019 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)

Res Veteran Bitch

Saturday 24th November 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Samantha Savory (Katimba)

3rd Veteran Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 10th June 2018 Three Counties - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)

2nd Veteran Bitch

This eight year old lady presented a smart outline. Very pretty girl with a pleasing head and expressions. Well made with good depth to chest and spring of rib. Stood on super feet. Fluid on the move but not quite the drive of the winner. Clearly enjoying her day out in the sun which was great to see.

Sunday 29th April 2018 WELKS - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

3rd Open Bitch

Sunday 25th March 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)

VHC Veteran Bitch

Monday 14th August 2017 Bournemouth - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

3rd Limit Bitch

Wednesday 9th August 2017 United Retriever - Miss Sky Westwood (Eusanit)

3rd Veteran Dog Or Bitch

Friday 7th July 2017 East of England - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)

3rd Veteran Bitch

Sunday 11th December 2016 Ladies Kennel Association - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)

Res Veteran Bitch

Sunday 7th September 2014 Richmond - Mr Mike Blay (Stablaheim)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 29th June 2014 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

VHC Limit Bitch

Saturday 10th May 2014 Birmingham National (CC) - Mr Hans Van Den Berg (Netherlands)

VHC Limit Bitch

Saturday 26th April 2014 WELKS - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 8th September 2013 Richmond - Mr Julien Barney (Romaunt)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

In good coat and condition. Maturer example than 2nd and a better size to 2nd.

Sunday 4th August 2013 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Brenda Hutchison (Waverton)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

VHC Limit Bitch

Friday 10th May 2013 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Valerie Foss (Elswood)

Res Limit Bitch

Sunday 24th March 2013 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)

VHC Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 9th September 2012 Richmond - Mrs Ingrid Burt

Res Rare Breeds Post Graduate Bitch (Judge: Mrs Sheila Jakeman (Tanlap))

Saturday 4th August 2012 National Gundog Association - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)

Res Graduate Bitch

Friday 29th June 2012 Windsor - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Friday 1st June 2012 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

An attractive bitch who moved very well with the typical springy light footed movement of the breed, good width and depth of chest, tight feet, pleasing feminine head.

Sunday 22nd January 2012 Manchester - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

2nd Rare Breeds Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Ben Reynolds-Frost)

Saturday 10th December 2011 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

Res Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 19th November 2011 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)

1st Graduate Bitch

2 yrs old, good head & eyes, good ears, good front, bone & feet, good neck & shoulders, good deep body & spring of ribs, good stifles, moved well.

Monday 15th August 2011 Bournemouth - Miss Jean Lanning (Clausentum)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Typy, very good tail, sound on the move, coat not at best today.

Saturday 25th June 2011 Blackpool - Mr Jonathan Daltrey (Bananadance)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Friday 3rd June 2011 Southern Counties Canine Association - Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (Finland)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 23rd January 2011 Manchester - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Junior Bitch

A lively bitch showing the correct temperament. Front angulation good, balanced by a good bend of stifle and strong rear quarters. Attractive feminine head with lively expression. Correct coat. Moved well on tight round feet. RBB.

Best Rare Breeds Bitch (Judge: Mrs G J Lilley)

1st Rare Breeds Junior Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs G J Lilley)

Sunday 12th December 2010 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Linda Upton (Tragus)

3rd Junior Bitch

Saturday 27th November 2010 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Junior Bitch

Feminine head and expression, good front and feet, good topline, moved well, just a little short of coat.

Saturday 9th October 2010 South Wales Kennel Association - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

2nd Junior Bitch

Pretty head and eye. Correct ears. Short coupled, with correct leg length. Jaunty movement. Upright shoulder, left her jacket at home on the day.

Sunday 12th September 2010 Richmond - Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)

VHC Junior Bitch

2nd Rare Breeds Junior Bitch (Judge: Miss Jenny Startup (Chahala))

Sunday 5th September 2010 City of Birmingham - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)

3rd Junior Bitch

Sunday 15th August 2010 Bournemouth - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

Res Junior Bitch

Friday 9th July 2010 East of England

Best AVNSC Puppy (Judge: Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor))

1st AVNSC Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor))

Very pleasing, confident pup, clean cut head with good alert expression, nice body proportions, good tail use, coat good for age, moved soundly, tidy front. BP.

Sunday 4th July 2010 Windsor - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)

2nd Puppy Bitch

Another mature 11month bitch with lovely balance and correct size. Litter sister to winner she has a good depth with a good front and correct bone. Feminine balanced head with soft expression. Moved very soundly.

Friday 4th June 2010 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mr Kari Järvinen (Finland)

3rd Puppy Bitch

2nd Rare Breeds Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt))

Saturday 29th May 2010 Bath - Mrs Brenda Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Puppy Bitch

Very feminine showy little girl, good head & expression, correctly angulated, balanced for age, moved stylishly & very confidently for a baby.

VHC Pro Plan/Dog World Minor Puppy Stakes Bitch (Judge: Mr Graham Hill (Dimland))

Friday 23rd April 2010 WELKS - Mrs Meriel Hathaway (Melfricka)

2nd Puppy Bitch

Confident temperament, alert expression, correct ear carriage. Still needing to develop in bone & rib. Good coat of correct texture.