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Sh Ch Tivalake More Than Wishes
Saturday 27th July 2024 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
1st Veteran Bitch
Just loved the exuberance and zest for life this 10 year old bitch has, no one has told her she is 10 years not 10 months! So light and spritely in her demeanour. Her coat is a little thicker, which can make her look a little heavier, but with hands on, she is still fit and shapely. Balanced and feminine head, well proportioned, and gently tapering, those dark almond eyes still hold a hint of mischief. Strong neck, firm topline, lovely depth and ribbing. Harmonious in her angulation. Moved with a spring in her step – BVB.
Saturday 6th July 2024 Boston - Mr Tom Johnston (Feldkirk)
1st Veteran Bitch
In super condition for age, feminine head with nice eye and good ears. Moderate neck, good shoulder, depth and elbows. Straight legs and good feet. Well angled rear, good tail, coat at different stages. Moved with active free action holding nice shape.
Sunday 9th June 2024 Three Counties - Miss Laura Sharpe (Rosettia)
2nd Veteran Bitch
A 10-year-old bitch with a pleasing coat and stronger head than 1st. Good structure and angulation. Unfortunately didn’t move at her best today.
Sunday 6th August 2023 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mr Ray Strudwick (Burpham)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Well coated 9 year old with lovely feminine expression, excellent angulation at front and rear, firm level topline which she held on the move, well sprung ribs, well rounded quarters, so sound and true on the move.
Friday 28th July 2023 Leeds (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)
2nd Veteran Bitch
I have truly never seen a bitch presented so beautifully and with so very much coat especially on her hindquarters! Exceptional! Extremely well balanced and of very good overall breed type. Typical but extremely feminine head and expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition; strong but clean neck of moderate length set well onto shoulders which were of good layback. Brisket of good width and depth with ribs well sprung. Very good hindquarter assembly with hocks well let down. Good bone all through, tight, neat feet with short nails, moved very well and soundly.
Saturday 20th May 2023 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Another very well made bitch who has kept a good shape both stood and on the move. Good size with a pleasing head and expression. Well made front assembly, good depth of chest, well sprung ribs and firm quarters with a pleasing bend of stifle. Moved soundly on an economic stride.
Thursday 9th March 2023 Crufts (CC) - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)
1st Veteran Bitch
I awarded her a CC 4 years ago and she still looks wonderful - obviously a little heavier now (but age does that to one!). She is beautifully balanced. Scores in head with good breadth of skull and gradually tapering muzzle. Well laid shoulder with corresponding length and return of upper arm. Front legs placed well under the body. Well sprung ribcage with strong loin. She still retains her level topline. Strong, well made hindquarters with good width of second thigh and well let down hocks. Excellent bone and feet. Super sound movement with correct tail carriage.
Saturday 21st January 2023 Manchester (CC) - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Lovely girl who is a good type, lovely size & outline, moved well and at 8 years can still show the youngsters how to cover the ground correctly with good footfalls, well boned legs & feet & a nice hindquarter, good topline & well set tail, pretty head & expression, did well to win her place here in such a strong class, proving that age is nothing in this lovely breed.
Sunday 20th November 2022 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)
Reserve Best Bitch
Best Veteran
1st Veteran Bitch
Pleased to see this lady again she has done very well under me in the past. She presented with a classic outline. Good overall size and proportions. Head has the typical wedge shape, correct breadth and dark eye that give that appealing expression. Strong through the neck leading into well placed shoulders, standing on well boned legs and neat feet. Correct depth of body, ribs well sprung and strong level top line. Well-developed quarters with moderately bent stifles. Her coat was not at its best but everything else was in the right place. On the move she had good footfall, and excellent drive. In the challenge I couldn’t deny her. Reserve Best Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.
Thursday 18th August 2022 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)
2nd Veteran Bitch
So well made just preferred head of 1 otherwise so difficult to separate, both were strong in body and both moved well.
Saturday 6th August 2022 Paignton (CC) - Mrs D Stewart-Ritchie
Reserve Bitch CC
1st Veteran Bitch
Smart mover in all departments. She is balanced and has good construction in abundance. Excellent bone and feet. Super front assembly. Carried herself really well on the around. Pleasing headpiece with good expression. Her performance certainly showed that age is no deterrent. RCC.
3rd Danco Veteran Stakes Gundog/Terrier Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr T Johnson)
Sunday 24th July 2022 Leeds (CC) - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)
Reserve Bitch CC
1st Veteran Bitch
Feminine with the right amount of substance. Lovely head and expression with good work and finish to the foreface. Moderate length to neck and well placed shoulders. Enough width and depth of chest and ribs well back to a firm loin. Topline maintained throughout and well set on tail. Quarters well made with super muscular development. In good coat and condition. She moved in a typical manner covering the ground well. RCC
Sunday 10th July 2022 East of England - Mrs Christine Morgan (Cwsscwn)
Best Veteran
1st Veteran Bitch
Quality bitch who was so very jaunty on the move. Typical head with soft expression and well set ears. Good forehand and well muscled quarters. In the challenge for BVIB she stepped up a gear to take it.
Res AV Gundog/Utility Veteran Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie))
Friday 20th May 2022 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)
3rd Veteran Bitch
Saturday 11th December 2021 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)
1st Veteran Bitch
A super quality bitch of 7˝ years of age. Extremely well balanced bitch and of unexaggerated good proportions. Super feminine head and expression, with eye of good colour and shape. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Excels in forehand assembly. Brisket of good depth and width, good length and spring of ribcage. Elbows tight to chest. Short loin with moderate tuck up. Muscular hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle. Good bone and tight feet. Moved well.
Sunday 3rd October 2021 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja)
3rd Veteran Bitch
Thursday 23rd September 2021 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Another I've judged before, unbelievable she is now a veteran. Feminine head with good length of neck. Well bodied. Moved accurately & steadily.
Saturday 7th August 2021 Paignton (CC) - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)
1st Open Bitch
Balanced bitch, feminine head and expression, good front and feet, in good coat, moved well, unfortunately she carried her tail, just too far up for me with the tail feathering almost touching her back, apart from that, this was a very nice bitch.
1st Danco Veteran Stakes Gundog/Terrier Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr E Patterson)
Wednesday 4th August 2021 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Keith Young (Pyngold)
1st Veteran Bitch
A very attractive high quality bitch that I have done well in the past. Well presented with a balanced outline. Nice head shape with a feminine expression. Straight front with good depth. Good reach of neck into a level topline and correct bend of stifle. Moved well with an easy stride. Pressed hard for top honours.
Sunday 1st August 2021 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Very little to separate these lovely girls. Another one who belies her age.
Saturday 24th July 2021 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)
2nd Veteran Bitch
Good movement fore and aft. A finer bitch than first.
Saturday 10th July 2021 East of England - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)
Best Veteran
1st Veteran Bitch
A bitch I have judged before and given top awards to and it was great to see her again. Feminine throughout with the right amount of substance. Feminine head with an appealing expression. Correct length of neck and well placed shoulders, would like a shade more return. Super body proportions and like her height to length ratio. Developed quarters with well bent stifles, super muscular development. Moved with verve and really enjoying herself. Another who was out of coat today but this did not detract from her qualities.
Saturday 26th June 2021 Southern Counties Canine Association - Sigurd Wilberg
Best Bitch
Best Veteran
1st Veteran Dog Or Bitch
This was the queen of SCCA for 2021. She had the right proportions and was very well constructed. Her brisket reached the elbows, she has a level topline and a moderate tuck up. She moved easily, and I could see her working on land and in water for days. I fell in love with this old lady. BB & BV.
Friday 6th March 2020 Crufts (CC) - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)
2nd Open Bitch
Good reach of neck, well bodied good spring of rib well- muscled moved ok.
Saturday 14th December 2019 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)
3rd Open Bitch
Saturday 23rd November 2019 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)
2nd Open Bitch
Another well balanced bitch of again good proportions. Super head and expression, with eye of good colour and shape. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Well made forehand assembly. Chest of good depth and width, good length and spring of ribcage. Short loin with moderate tuck up. Strong back, well made hindquarters. Good bone and feet. Moved well.
Sunday 15th September 2019 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)
Res Open Bitch
Sunday 1st September 2019 City of Birmingham - Ms C Paine (Australia)
2nd Open Bitch
Feminine and enthusiastic show girl who was somewhat out of coat on the day. Well angulated, firm in topline, well ribbed up. Correct balance of skull and muzzle with expressive eyes, however dropped off a little at the nose similar to the winner. Moved well.
Sunday 18th August 2019 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)
Reserve Bitch CC
1st Limit Bitch
Lovely bitch in profile. Alert and showy. Feminine head, used ears, clean neck, well muscled. Whispy coat. Moved & showed well.
Sunday 4th August 2019 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Sarah Sevastopulo (Oldholbans)
2nd Limit Bitch
Another super Toller from this kennel. Very close to winner in all respects. Excellent breed type.
Saturday 3rd August 2019 Paignton (CC) - Mr Frank Kane (Hirontower)
VHC Limit Bitch
Sunday 28th July 2019 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Bitch CC
1st Limit Bitch
I was so pleased to find this lovely feminine bitch and could not believe that this quality 5 year old of good breed type had not already gained her title. Very attractive on the stance and worked well with her owner handler, she was just as nice to go over, as she was to look at on the stance. Very pretty correctly shaped and worked head, high set well dropped triangle shaped ears, moderate stop, dark expressive almond shaped eyes, good muzzle. Clean throat nicely furnished, strong moderate neck into well laid shoulders into a short strong level back to good rump well set on and used tail with very good feathering. A beautifully presented and conditioned rich orange jacket nicely feathered over a compact body, ribbed well back with depth to chest and body with substance. Correctly angulated front and rear, balanced straight forelegs well boned and furnished, tight feet. Rear with strong rump, nice trousers, return of stifle and short hocks. Very stylish mover and very sound both ways. Lovely tail carriage on the move. Pleased to award her 3rd CC and Crown BOS.
1st YKC Gundog Stakes Bitch (Judge: Mr Tom Mather)
Sunday 7th July 2019 East of England - Mr Keith Young (Pyngold)
Reserve Best Bitch
2nd Open Bitch
Appealing well balanced bitch with a lovely outline. Well presented in good coat and condition. Attractive feminine head with a kindly eye and expression. Straight front of good depth. Muscular neck into a well ribbed body. Correct topline and strong quarters. Moved soundly with good drive. Pleased to award her RBB.
Saturday 29th June 2019 Windsor (CC) - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
1st Limit Bitch
Five years two months, an excellent type I seemed to favour in the entry, squarely built presented in lovely solid body condition and won the class on her superior positive breed typical movement with true level head and well flagged tail carriage. For me she also displayed the most pleasingly proportioned head and expression in the class alert and friendly head slightly wedge shaped and clean-cut skull broad with moderate stop, lips tight fitting, nostrils full. Very well angulated overall excellent topline and especially good length of ribcage, white feet on show. A classical bitch with much to offer the breed nothing exaggerated highly attractive all round.
Saturday 22nd June 2019 Blackpool - Mr Arne Foss (Norway)
3rd Limit Bitch
Sunday 9th June 2019 Three Counties - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)
Best Of Breed
Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
This young lady presented with a classic outline and just stood out in this class, she won limit under me last time but was not in her best jacket then, today she was in top form. Good size and proportions. Beautiful in head, typical wedge shape, correct breadth and eye shape that gave that appealing expression. Strong through the neck leading into well placed shoulder, standing on well boned legs and neat feet. Correct depth of body, ribs well sprung, strong level top line. Well developed quarters with well bent stifles. Excellent tail carriage. On the move she had good footfall and excelled in profile action. Best Bitch and Best of Breed.
Friday 24th May 2019 Bath (CC) - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)
VHC Limit Bitch
VHC Young Kennel Club Members Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr C Hastings)
Friday 17th May 2019 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews (Drakesleat)
1st Limit Bitch
Good for size and bone, stands well up on her feet, tail could come up a little higher on the move as it is an important breed characteristic. Deep chest, lovely outline and she moves truly all round, coat should be flatter perhaps, pleasing temperament too!
Sunday 12th May 2019 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)
Res Limit Bitch
Thursday 7th March 2019 Crufts (CC) - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)
2nd Limit Bitch
Pushed 1 hard. Judged this lady before – good head & eye and length to neck. Plenty of depth to chest and good front. Moved with drive – once again she was out of coat.
Saturday 19th January 2019 Manchester (CC) - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)
Bitch CC
1st Limit Bitch
Lovely bitch who on the stack presents the outline I was locking for. Excels in head with clean skull and flat cheeks with moderate stop. Moderate length of neck. Scores in forehand construction. Deep chest with elbows tight to the brisket. Correct length and spring of ribcage. Strong hindquarters. Square hocks. Excellent bone and feet. In excellent coat and condition. Moved well both fore and aft and when viewed in profile. CC
Sunday 16th December 2018 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Mike Blay (Longbarrow)
1st Limit Bitch
Spoilt in this class, a lovely bitch, correct shape and balanced when stacked, good head shape, clean through neck and good lay to shoulder, well sprung ribs and strong loin, well muscled quarters, good bend to stifle, held her top line on the move, and liked her lines both going and coming towards. Presented in good coat.
Saturday 24th November 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Samantha Savory (Katimba)
1st Limit Bitch
A classical bitch that I have judged before, yet so much more mature now. Good head and such an alert expression, giving her handler 100% attention at all times. Pleasing front and standing on good tight feet. Firm, level topline and correct tailset, carried positively on the move. She moved with such positivity and soundness around the ring.
Thursday 25th October 2018 Midland Counties (CC) - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
VHC Open Bitch
Friday 21st September 2018 Driffield - Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple)
2nd Open Bitch
Close up to winner with all her attributes the winner just filling my eye today.
Sunday 16th September 2018 Darlington - Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)
3rd Open Bitch
Sunday 9th September 2018 Richmond - Mrs Marina Scott (Belsmard)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
A very nice quality bitch who I've given BOB before around 10 months ago and my opinion hasn't changed of her, she has just got better. Stands so square and soundly on strong round tight feet, straight forelegs and good width and has sufficient substance but is still so feminine all through, the prettiest of heads with an alert and friendly expression, excellent depth of chest, good ribbing, strong in the loin and well angulated rear quarters, long tail constantly moving and with plenty of feathering, she moves so effortlessly with reach and drive, she just wasn't in the best of coats today. I'm sure she will make up. Reserve best bitch.
Sunday 2nd September 2018 City of Birmingham - Mrs Vivien Phillips (Debucher)
Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
A lovely bitch. Another good type from this kennel. Super head and eye. Well constructed front. Tight feet. Well let down in brisket. Good coat and tail. Ribs go well back into strong hindquarters. Moved with style showing herself well. Best bitch.
Sunday 19th August 2018 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
2nd Limit Bitch
Another who appealed for her breed type and excellent confirmation and was close up to the winner. Good head piece with an alert expression. Best of fronts standing on good legs and feet, firm body and correct tailset and carriage. Sound mover.
Saturday 11th August 2018 Bournemouth - Mrs Ingrid Burt
2nd Limit Bitch
Soundly constructed mature bitch, lighter than 1 all through & slightly out of coat, moved well.
Wednesday 8th August 2018 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Chris Bexon (Oldfield)
2nd Limit Bitch
This girl is a lovely Retriever from any angle, a super type, with a lovely head and dark eye, good neck, shoulders, good depth of chest but perhaps lacking a little in width of chest compared to 1. Excellent body shape, good construction, underline, excellent bone and feet, just stands so naturally, shown in good coat with white socks. A good mover A1.
Sunday 5th August 2018 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Carol Macleod (Camusmor)
3rd Limit Bitch
Saturday 4th August 2018 Paignton (CC) - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
1st Limit Bitch
4 years. This feminine and strong bitch, simply out moved the competitors today. Sweet and so soundly constructed she was alert and lively on the move.
Saturday 28th July 2018 Leeds - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)
3rd Open Bitch
Saturday 7th July 2018 East of England - Mrs Jinty Gill-Davies (Rosecourt)
2nd Open Bitch
Head a little long in muzzle. Good nose, eye colour and ears. Pleasing head carriage and forehand angulation. Would like a little more substance in ribs & bone throughout. Moved well. Scored in general outline.
2nd YKC Handling 18-24 Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Marina Scott (Belsmard))
Sunday 10th June 2018 Three Counties - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)
Best Of Breed
Best Bitch
1st Open Bitch
Pleased to see this lady again today as the more finished article. She presented with a classic outline on the finer side but still correct. Good overall size and proportions. Beautiful in head, typical wedge shape, correct breadth and eye shape that gave that appealing expression. Strong through the neck leading into well placed shoulders, standing on well boned legs and neat feet. Correct depth of body, ribs well sprung and strong level top line. Well-developed quarters with moderately bent stifles. On the move she had good footfall, occasionally can skip a bit behind if she goes too fast but once she was slowed down was easy to see the typical Toller gate. Best Bitch and subsequently Best of Breed, congratulations.
Sunday 3rd June 2018 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield)
1st Limit Bitch
Nice type of bitch, feminine head and expression, super front, enough bone and good feet, deep through her chest and well ribbed, strong quarters, level top line shown in good coat and best mover of the class.
Saturday 26th May 2018 Bath - Mr Keith Groom (Grunjagen)
Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
Eye-catching girl, lovely feminine head with kind expression. Ears well set. Neck strong leading to good chest and front construction with correct angulation. Body of quality, well sprung body ribbing and firm in back. Rear quarters muscular and well formed. Tight feet. Stood presented a super outline, movement was sound with drive, used her tail to advantage. A happy exhibit shown in top coat and condition. Very smart bitch pleased to award her Best Bitch. Well Done.
Sunday 20th May 2018 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Colin Mackay (Woodglade)
3rd Open Bitch
1st YKC Members Stakes Gundog Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha)
Saturday 12th May 2018 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)
Reserve Bitch CC
2nd Limit Bitch
Another good moving bitch with a good head and expression, good front, rear angulation and outline.
Sunday 29th April 2018 WELKS - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)
2nd Open Bitch
Fine boned, longer cast, very feminine. Good head, eye and angles, a rather soft silky coat. Moved and handled well.
VHC YKC Members Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Doreen Smillie-Gray (Oakberrow))
Sunday 25th March 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)
3rd Limit Bitch
A pretty bitch with femine head and soft expression. Built on finer lines than winner. She has a good front with correct sloping pastern and tight feet. On the move she was sound and positive.
Sunday 11th March 2018 Crufts (CC) - Mrs Brenda Hutchison (Waverton)
Bitch CC
1st Limit Bitch
Pretty balanced lady. Lovely outline. Feminine head. Super neck and forechest. Correct bone and front. Deep chest with well fitting elbows. Good angulation both ends. Showed happily and moved with drive. Pleased to award her the bitch CC.
Sunday 21st January 2018 Manchester - Sjoerd Jobse
VHC Open Bitch
Saturday 18th November 2017 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
This young lady presented with a classic outline, good size and proportions. Beautiful in head, typical wedge shape, correct breadth and eye shape that gave that appealing expression. Strong through the neck leading into well placed shoulder, standing on well boned legs and neat feet. Correct depth of body, ribs springing nicely, strong level top line. Well-developed quarters with well bent stifles. Excellent tail carriage. On the move she had good footfall good going away from me just a tad untidy in front as she came towards me today. Not in her best coat which cost her top honours.
Sunday 10th September 2017 Richmond - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse)
3rd Limit Bitch
Sunday 3rd September 2017 City of Birmingham - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
3 year old bitch, pretty head and expression with a good eye and well set and carried ears, good neck & shoulders, in lovely coat and condition, a little finer in bone, and body proportions than winner, she moved effortlessly in profile with correct footfall.
Sunday 20th August 2017 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
3rd Limit Bitch
Monday 14th August 2017 Bournemouth - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)
Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
Another I have judged before as a youngster and I really liked her then so was pleased to see her again now that she has matured. Everything was in the right place and she presented with a classic outline, good size and proportions. Beautiful in head, typical wedge shape, correct breadth and eye shape that gave that appealing expression. Strong through the neck leading into well placed shoulder, standing on well boned legs and neat feet. Correct depth of body for her age, ribs springing nicely, strong level top line. Well-developed quarters with well bent stifles. Excellent tail carriage. On the move she had good footfall and in side profile she was superb, I could see that typical Toller gait, with good drive. I was delighted to be able to award her Best Bitch. I wish her every success I think she will have a bright future ahead of her.
Sunday 6th August 2017 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Balanced bitch, good head and expression, good front and feet, in good coat, moved well.
Res YKC Members Stakes Gundog Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Dr Ron James (Jasmorne))
Saturday 5th August 2017 Paignton - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)
Best Bitch
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Very nice 3 year old bitch. Feminine head with melting expression. Good length of neck into well laid-back shoulders and balanced angulation. Excels in topline which she maintains both on the move and stood, carries her tail just above level but I would like to see it carried higher for a complete picture. Very happy to award her Best Bitch.
Friday 7th July 2017 East of England - Mr Graham Lambert (Cheseridge)
Reserve Best Bitch
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Very similar and a close decision who could change places another day. Winner just that bit tidier moving to and fro today. Res BB.
Res YKC Handling 17-24 Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs D L Whincup)
Thursday 29th June 2017 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Pleasing outline and front depth to brisket ribs carried well back with spring moderate coupling standing on good well boned legs and feet.
Sunday 4th June 2017 Southern Counties Canine Association - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)
Best Bitch
1st Limit Bitch
Quality bitch of 3 yrs, same dam as second in OD. Willing showgirl with a good silhouette standing and moving, excellent body, deep chest, typical head, moved well, firm topline, well deserved BB.
Saturday 27th May 2017 Bath - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
1st Limit Bitch
Very well made & angulated 3 year old bitch essentially sound though somewhat narrow on the move throughout but with excellent rear drive. Wide & strong across the loins with firm topline, a pleasing expression but would prefer more strength & wedging in the head shape, coat texture rather overly soft on the day for me.
Saturday 20th May 2017 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)
3rd Post Graduate Bitch
Friday 5th May 2017 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Correct outline and free sound movement. In good coat and condition.
Saturday 29th April 2017 WELKS - Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple)
Best Bitch
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Balanced and typical young lady she presented a good head and expression, well laid shoulder and well angulated hindquarters. I just preferred the front action of one on the move.
VHC YKC Handling 17-24 Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss R Mills)
Sunday 19th March 2017 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Reserve Bitch CC
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Loved the outline of this medium sized, balanced well constructed 3 year old with such clean lines to her wedge shaped feminine head, dark almond-shaped dark eyes, triangular well shape and set on ear. Really nice to put your hands on with good breed points and everything in the right place with a lovely muscular body well sprung ribs with a quality straight correctly textured and clean conditioned rich golden coat with feathering. Strong straight bone forelegs and muscular strong hindquarters and with correct return of stifle and let down hocks. Tight arched webbed well padded, such a powerful mover which was so sound fore and aft. If I had to like one more thing it would be for her to carry her feathered tail slightly higher all the time. RCC
Saturday 11th March 2017 Crufts (CC) - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Good outline & balance, she has the head, good depth of chest, she is well built through body & rearquarters, she moved with a good action, goes easily over the ground, would like a little better tail carriage on the move.
1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch
Sunday 22nd January 2017 Manchester - Mr Keith Young (Pyngold)
Res Post Graduate Bitch
Sunday 11th December 2016 Ladies Kennel Association - Mr Malcolm Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Another lovely bitch, very close up to 1. Liked her head & expression. Good shoulder lay into strong neck & level short back. Nicely turned stifle & moved out very well.
1st Open Bitch
1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch
Sunday 20th November 2016 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Miss Deborah Anstead (Riverwatcher)
1st Graduate Bitch
Finer bitch with a feminine head and gentle expression, good medium length of neck, straight legs, elbow well in good length to ribs and level topline, good coat and in excellent condition. Good angulation and moved ok.
1st Post Graduate Bitch
2nd Limit Bitch
Res Special Working Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 11th September 2016 Richmond - Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Good head, not quite the bloom of first and was not as typical on the move.
Sunday 21st August 2016 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Jonathan Daltrey (Bananadance)
Res Post Graduate Bitch
Wednesday 17th August 2016 United Retriever - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Young bitch of good breed type, a little finer all over than winner, balanced in outline, good head & expression, in good coat & condition, moved very well.
1st Limit Bitch
Sunday 14th August 2016 Bournemouth - Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Pleasing bitch in all departments. Good head & eye, well angulated shoulders, moved well.
VHC YKC Handling 18-24 Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss K Pinkerton)
Sunday 7th August 2016 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Carol Coode (Warringah)
2nd Graduate Bitch
Neat bitch not so much coat as 1, sweet feminine head, very well angulated front & rearquarters, well turned stifle, good low hocks, strong topline & loin, well set tail, moving soundly on good legs & tight feet, using her good low hocks.
Res Post Graduate Bitch
Sunday 10th July 2016 East of England - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Pleasing bitch, feminine in head & expression, good through neck & shoulder well placed. Good front assembly with the correct layback of shoulder & overall front assembly. Standing on well boned legs & neat feet. Body of good proportions with ribs well sprung. Stifle well bent & good rear angulations. Sound on the move with a good action. Today I just preferred the head & expression of the winner.
Res Open Bitch
Friday 1st July 2016 Windsor (CC) - Mrs Christine McDonald (Northey)
2nd Good Citizen Dog Scheme Dog Or Bitch
Good type and angulation both ends. Liked her head and she was close up to winner and indeed went on to beat her in PGB.
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Was 2nd in GC. Showed really well in this class and caught my eye more than the bitch that had beaten her in a previous class.
Thursday 9th June 2016 Three Counties - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Won on size & shape over 2. Feminine young lady with a nice shaped head & good length of neck. Very good front with well laid shoulders & good depth of chest. Lovely rear angles & best mover in the class. Lacking in coat today.
Saturday 28th May 2016 Bath - Mrs Rachel Barney (Verrami)
3rd Post Graduate Bitch
Saturday 21st May 2016 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)
3rd Post Graduate Bitch
Friday 22nd April 2016 WELKS - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
VHC Post Graduate Bitch
2nd Yearling Bitch
Lots to like about this young lady. Pretty head, leading into good length of neck & good shoulders. Plenty depth to chest, good front with tight feet. Moved with purpose. Unfortunately, she was totally out of coat therefore looked immature to 1.
Friday 11th March 2016 Crufts (CC) - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)
2nd Yearling Bitch
Good type with good head & expression. Good coat, nice outline, moved well. Close up to winner.
VHC Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch
Sunday 17th January 2016 Manchester - Mr Henric Fryckstrand (Sweden)
Res Post Graduate Bitch
Sunday 13th December 2015 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)
1st Post Graduate Bitch
Honest, feminine bitch presented to advantage both stood and on the move. Excellent type of lighter build. In good coat. Good lay back of shoulder and return would prefer more strength in the rear.
3rd Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch
Saturday 21st November 2015 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Dr Ron James (Jasmorne)
VHC Graduate Bitch
2nd Post Graduate Bitch
Nice type with pleasing body proportions and correct outline, would have preferred more fill of fore chest, a little out of coat, active mover.
VHC Special Working Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 23rd August 2015 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)
Res Junior Bitch
VHC Post Graduate Bitch
Saturday 8th August 2015 Bournemouth - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)
3rd Junior Bitch
3rd Post Graduate Bitch
Wednesday 5th August 2015 United Retriever - Mrs Linda Upton (Tragus)
2nd Junior Bitch
Good shape wedge head, good eyes, good front & feet. She is very fine all over. Good coat, good stifles, moved well. Just needs to mature on.
3rd Post Graduate Bitch
Sunday 2nd August 2015 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)
VHC Junior Bitch
Res Graduate Bitch
Saturday 11th July 2015 East of England - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
1st Junior Bitch
Typey youngster of good size & overall good conformation throughout. Pleasing head & eye, clean front, good reach of neck. Firm body, well developed hindquarters, well bent stifles, sound on the move both fore & aft.
VHC Post Graduate Bitch
Saturday 4th July 2015 Windsor (CC) - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)
3rd Junior Bitch
Friday 29th May 2015 Southern Counties Canine Association - Harri Lehkonen (Finland)
2nd Junior Bitch
Young bitch in the middle of development. Feminine head & expression. Needs time to mature & get stronger. Correct temperament.
Friday 15th May 2015 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Jeff Luscott (Jalus)
VHC Junior Bitch
Sunday 10th May 2015 Birmingham National (CC) - Mr Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)
2nd Junior Bitch
Good head, neck & shoulders, good rib & loin, nice rear angles, moved well.
Sunday 26th April 2015 WELKS - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)
2nd Junior Bitch
Very feminine headpiece, needs to mature on. Still very good spritely action, good tight feet.
Sunday 22nd March 2015 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr Moray Armstrong (Bitcon)
1st Puppy Bitch
Well made young lady, lovely feminine head, sound & stylish, well constructed front, strong topline with good quarters, moved well, just not as mature in body & coat as her brother. BPB.
2nd Junior Bitch
3rd Special Working Bitch
Sunday 18th January 2015 Manchester - Mr Julien Barney (Romaunt)
Reserve Best Bitch
1st Puppy Bitch
Not quite the maturity of 2, however moved well putting her feet in the right place. Feminine head & expression. Kept a level topline in profile. Good rear construction with a well let down hock. RBB.
Thursday 8th January 2015 Boston
3rd AVNSC Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig))
1st AVNSC Junior Bitch (Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig))
Third in the puppy class, nearly 9 months, of nice size and balance for the breed, her head is needing more strength in the foreface, nice eye and expression from correctly set and carried ears. Good neck, shoulders into topline and nice tail well carried with nice white tip. Well presented rich coat with good white points, well angulated, nice bone and tight feet.
Sunday 14th December 2014 Ladies Kennel Association - Mrs Eileen Hughes (Sonnenberg)
2nd Minor Puppy Bitch
An attractive puppy, but shoulders not as well laid as the winners, & not so lively but a typical outline & a lovely coat.
Saturday 22nd November 2014 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Pam Blay (Stablaheim)
VHC Puppy Bitch
Thursday 23rd October 2014 Midland Counties - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)
2nd Puppy Bitch
Another very promising youngster but at 6 months very raw, feminine & balanced head, good angles fore & aft & body proportions correct for her age. Stands on good legs & feet & moves with a true ground covering action.