Show results for
Afonbach Song Of Ice And Fire

Saturday 11th December 2021 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Limit Bitch

An extremely well balanced and proportioned bitch of 4 years of age. I loved the breed type that is free of coarseness and exaggeration. Presented in super condition – well muscled all through. Excellent feminine head with moderate stop, and correct eye giving soft expression. High set and correctly placed ears. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Strong neck into excellent forehand assembly with deep chest of good width with brisket reaching the elbows. Level topline. Good spring of rib, with strong loin and muscled hindquarters with moderate turn of stifle. Tight round feet with short nails. Quality bone all through. Moved extremely well in all planes – unfortunately she was somewhat lacking in coat but her overall quality, balance and breed type saw her win this class. I was delighted to award her the Reserve Challenge Certificate today.

Sunday 21st November 2021 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Jan Andrews (Aftonmarsh)

Res Open Bitch

Sunday 17th October 2021 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Lord Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

Res Limit Bitch

Saturday 18th September 2021 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Yvonne Burchell (Tivalake)

VHC Open Bitch

Sunday 1st August 2021 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Rachel Bradley (Ruddyduck)

VHC Open Bitch

Saturday 24th July 2021 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

Res Open Bitch

Friday 6th March 2020 Crufts (CC) - Mrs Tina Westwood (Eusanit/Tollyhimmel)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Compact girl, good reach of neck going into well placed shoulders, straight front allowing plenty of heart room, good spring of rib. Short coupled with good bone. Drove from behind and extended in front.

Sunday 19th January 2020 Manchester (CC) - Dr Annukka Paloheimo (Finland)

3rd Graduate Bitch

Saturday 14th December 2019 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mrs Michaela Edridge (Tilita)

Res Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

Saturday 23rd November 2019 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

Best In Show

Best Bitch

1st Post Graduate Bitch

What a truly lovely young bitch this is and only of 2 years of age. She epitomises quality and breed type in every department – I loved her the moment she stepped into my ring and did not disappoint me. So very well balanced all through. Presented in super condition and a lovely picture in outline and profile. Excellent and slightly wedge-shaped feminine head with moderate stop, and correct eye giving soft expression. Medium size high set ears. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Strong neck into well placed shoulders and corresponding return of upper arm with deep chest of good width with brisket reaching the elbows. Level topline. Good spring of rib, with strong loin and well muscled hindquarters. Tight round feet with short nails. Super quality bone all through. Moved well and accurately both fore, aft and in profile whenever asked. Best Bitch and Best In Show.

2nd Special Working Dog Or Bitch

Friday 11th October 2019 South Wales Kennel Association - Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Another very tidy bitch, very pleasing head, good ear, ok front assembly, moved ok, just lacked that sparkle, ok coat and condition.

VHC Open Bitch

Sunday 15th September 2019 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Liz Cartledge (Ryslip)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Limit Bitch

2nd Open Bitch

Sunday 1st September 2019 City of Birmingham - Ms C Paine (Australia)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Another nicely made feminine girl. Correct balance and proportions, flowing topline and well ribbed up. Wedge shaped head, tapered muzzle, high set ears. Not in full coat, but still with straight outer coat and dense undercoat. Movement somewhat unsettled out and back.

1st Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

Sunday 18th August 2019 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Like many others she lacked coat today. Neat bitch with good front, rear and topline, which she held on the move. Used her ears to frame a pretty head and kind eye. Showed herself beautifully.

Wednesday 7th August 2019 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)

3rd Limit Bitch

Sunday 4th August 2019 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Sarah Sevastopulo (Oldholbans)

3rd Special Beginner Bitch

2nd Good Citizen Dog Scheme Bitch

Sunday 12th May 2019 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Brenda Smith (Dallyvista)

2nd Special Beginner Bitch

Close up to winner, good tail, carried well.

1st Yearling Bitch

Still showing and moving well.

Sunday 24th March 2019 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mrs Carole Coode (Warringah)

3rd Yearling Bitch

18 months, well balanced bitch soundly made sweet expressive head, very well made stifle with good 1st and 2nd thigh, good bone and feet, in pleasing coat and a sound mover.

Res Special Working Bitch

Sunday 16th December 2018 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Mike Blay (Longbarrow)

VHC Junior Bitch

Saturday 24th November 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mrs Samantha Savory (Katimba)

3rd Junior Bitch

1st Novice Bitch

This little lady was my 3rd in junior and was another quality bitch. Gave a balanced picture standing and on the move. Well angulated front and a solid level topline leading into excellent hindquarters. Moved well.

VHC Special Working Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 16th September 2018 Darlington - Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)

Reserve Best Bitch

1st Junior Bitch

Very pleasing in head and expression, a pleasure to see standing and even better when moving, her profile movement was a pleasure to watch. Will watch her progress with interest. Please to award her RBB, unlucky to meet open winner on such top form.

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 10th June 2018 Three Counties - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)

3rd Puppy Bitch

3rd Junior Bitch

Saturday 12th May 2018 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

1st Minor Puppy Bitch

Good head shape, good layback and depth.

1st Puppy Bitch

Sunday 25th March 2018 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr Mick Howes (Medogold)

VHC Junior Bitch

3rd Novice Bitch

A pretty bitch but still needs to mature in body and get her coat. She has good angulation. Her movement was sound and steady.