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Sh Ch Eusanit Ever Fallen In Love

Saturday 6th July 2024 Boston - Mr Tom Johnston (Feldkirk)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

Friday 28th June 2024 Windsor (CC) - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

VHC Open Bitch

Monday 27th May 2024 Bath (CC) - Mr L Heinesche

Res Open Bitch

Thursday 9th May 2024 Birmingham National (CC) - Miss Deborah Anstead (Riverwatcher)

3rd Open Bitch

Sunday 24th March 2024 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mrs Carol Macleod (Camusmor)

VHC Open Bitch

Sunday 21st January 2024 Manchester (CC) - Mr Patrick Fielder (Cretshengan)

2nd Open Bitch

Slightly smaller all through than 1, still a very good typical example. A feminine girl who is very ‘showy’, look at me! Another with superb feet. Can stand a little straight behind.

Sunday 10th December 2023 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Open Bitch

3 1/2 yr old bitch good head proportions, good wedge, nice eye and expression, good pigment, plenty bone, straight legs, good feet, plenty depth of chest, body well ribbed back, strong quarters well muscled, moved well with reach and drive. RCC.

Friday 15th September 2023 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

VHC Open Bitch

Friday 8th September 2023 Richmond - Alastair Moss (Ewtor/Davigdor)

Res Open Bitch

Sunday 3rd September 2023 City of Birmingham - Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield)

Res Open Bitch

Friday 28th July 2023 Leeds (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

1st Open Bitch

A super quality bitch, so very well balanced all through. A very nice overall type of bitch. Very attractive and feminine correct size and proportions. Lovely feminine head and the very best of expressions. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Good ear placement and carriage. Super muscled and clean neck into excellent forehand assembly. Nicely bodied with well-made hindquarters. Very good bone and feet. Moved well showing accurate movement both fore and aft.

Saturday 1st July 2023 Windsor (CC) - Mr Frank Kane (Hirontower)

Bitch CC

1st Open Bitch

Appealed for her femininity, size and balance. Not in full coat but such good type and proportions. Moved with exemplary tail carriage. Bitch CC which made her up.

Friday 26th May 2023 Bath (CC) - Dr N Lemo

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Open Bitch

Structurally sound female with well-angulated rear assembly. Her body lines are harmonious, featuring a strong forechest and a well-developed ribcage. She moves with confidence, displaying a steady and purposeful gait. RCC.

Saturday 20th May 2023 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)

Res Open Bitch

Sunday 7th May 2023 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse)

2nd Open Bitch

Another top class bitch, well balanced and constructed with a lovely head and eye, sound, free mover.

Thursday 9th March 2023 Crufts (CC) - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)

2nd Open Bitch

Another top quality bitch. Very good overall balance demonstrating correct breed type. Very good head shape with moderate stop, clean cheeks and tapering muzzle. Strong neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Her elbows are close to the brisket with forelegs nicely placed beneath the body. Well ribbed back with strong loin and moderate tuck up. Strong hindquarters with good width of second thigh. In excellent coat and condition. Moved well with good tail carriage just not quite the drive of the winner today.

Sunday 11th December 2022 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Nick Burchell (Tivalake)

Bitch CC

1st Open Bitch

Loved this compact bitch, eye catching and well balanced, providing an impressive outline. An attractive, alert, feminine head shape with moderate stop and almond shape eyes, blending into her coat. Medium neck, well set on, flowing into well placed shoulders. She has substance, good bone, plenty of lung room with a good spring of rib, a level topline standing and on the move. Good angles supporting her 4 square presentation, she moved with confidence and attitude carrying her tail well completing the balanced outline. Pleased to be award her BCC.

Sunday 20th November 2022 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)

Reserve Best In Show

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

A new one on me, loved her shape and size and today she was on form and full of attitude, caught my attention on the first run round. Her head is feminine with a typical wedge shape, good breadth of skull and well set on ears. Has an alert expression. Good front assembly, shoulders well laid and stands on good straight legs and neat feet. Good body proportions, enough depth of chest, level topline. Quarters well made; stifles well bent. Scores in movement with a positive jaunty action. My Best Bitch and later RBIS.

Thursday 27th October 2022 Midland Counties - Mr Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)

Reserve Best Bitch

2nd Open Bitch

Another quality girl with so much to like, a well-balanced girl, Medium size, lovely skull shape, moderate stop, flat cheeks, ears medium size and set high with, eyes almond shape, super pigmentation, moderate length of neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong legs with string pasterns, quality bone, tight feet, excellent forechest, deep brisket, elbows tucked in, ribs deep & well sprung, short back, level top line, excellent croup and tail set, moderate bend of stifle, well-muscled with second thigh muscle, correct tail set, moved with excellent reach & drive, in super coat and condition, delighted to award her RBB, she definitely knocking on the door for top honours.

Wednesday 12th October 2022 Gundog Society of Wales - Miss Tess Newson

3rd Open Bitch

Sunday 18th September 2022 Darlington (CC) - Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor)

2nd Limit Bitch

Very pleasing type and outlook.  When moving topline was not as good as one, decent body and coat condition.

Sunday 4th September 2022 City of Birmingham - Ms Andrea Adshead (Afonbach)

1st Limit Bitch

I last judged her a year ago as a junior, and I liked her very much then. Now a 2 year old bitch, another out of coat, but so well put together and nicely marked. Good head piece and ear carriage. One of the better front assemblies amongst the bitches, with correct angulation and good length of upper arm and shoulder. Medium length of neck onto a level topline, correct spring of rib for age and nicely short coupled, with a correct underline when seen in profile. She is an excellent mover with a good ground covering stride and correct footfall. Handled very well.

Sunday 28th August 2022 Driffield - Miss Roxanne McDonald (Roanjora/Eusanit)

2nd Open Bitch

Good bitch for type and size. Standing from the front she has good straight front legs with good bone and standing on tight, round feet. Broad skull and wedge-shaped head but lacks stop. High set ears with a round eye. Moves true for an aft. In profile she lacks the reach due to lack of upper arm but does have a good jaunty movement with well feathered tail carried above the back and alert.

Sunday 7th August 2022 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)

2nd Limit Bitch

Saturday 6th August 2022 Paignton (CC) - Mrs D Stewart-Ritchie

Res Limit Bitch

Sunday 24th July 2022 Leeds (CC) - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)

1st Limit Bitch

Feminine head of correct proportions and a super expression. Clean through the neck and shoulders, which are well laid back. Good front assembly, straight front and neat feet. Ribs sprung and well back to a firm loin and well set tail. Enough bend of stifle and good muscular development. Moved in a jaunty manner and covered the ground. Pushed hard for top honours, just losing her topline slightly in the challenge.

Sunday 10th July 2022 East of England - Mrs Christine Morgan (Cwsscwn)

2nd Open Bitch

Close up. She looks so very alert on the stack. Plenty of heart and lung room. Moved with drive. Preferred the ear set of the winner.

Saturday 25th June 2022 Blackpool - Mr Henric Fryckstrand (Sweden)

1st Limit Bitch

Lovely type that appeals to me, beautiful head with intelligent expression, lovely eyes, correct ears, nice reach of neck, correct front assembly, nice bone, plenty of heartroom, short couplings, tailset could be better, strong rear, correct tail, lovely profuse coat, true mover, well presented.

Thursday 2nd June 2022 Southern Counties Canine Association - Miss Caroline Hipkiss (Deltandamba)

2nd Open Bitch

Younger bitch who was smaller all through but balanced, sweet expression and good wedge shape to head, nice front angles, neat feet, good depth of brisket, would prefer a little more turn of stifle but she moved with sufficient drive.

Saturday 28th May 2022 Bath (CC) - Mrs Sarah Sevastopulo (Oldholbans)

1st Limit Bitch

Really lovely bitch, so well made and in super coat and condition. Loved her head type, good ears, correct angulation and overall balance and shape. Excellent mover, close to top honours.

Friday 20th May 2022 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)

2nd Limit Bitch

2 yr old bitch, pleasing head and eye, bit straight in front assembly, enough bone, like better feet, good ribbing, could move better.

Sunday 24th April 2022 WELKS - Ms Marina White (Belsmard)

Best Bitch

1st Open Bitch

A complete new one to me and what a nice bitch she is. She caught my eye after the first go around with her lively jaunty action and was in excellent coat and condition. Of medium size, compact and balanced, topped with a feminine head with the typical wedge shape, good breadth of skull, ears placed high and a nice size and shape to suit her alert and friendly expression, strong front assembly, excellent depth of chest, good spring of rib, moderate bend of stifle and hocks well bent, she stood so easily four square and straight in every free-stand. Love her high tail carriage on the move and she even swayed her tail in the stand which is nice to say, as so many don't. She was everything I was looking for in a Toller bitch on the day.

Saturday 19th March 2022 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

1st Yearling Bitch

I could with this one! Just loved her head piece and expression. She has quality throughout, with correct angles both ends to provide positive foot fall. Just right for age in body and good muscular development. Turned out in super condition and full coat. Notice she is sibling of my yearling dog winner.

2nd Limit Bitch

Sunday 13th March 2022 Crufts (CC) - Mr Mike Blay (Longbarrow)

3rd Yearling Bitch

Good shape and size to this bitch, presents a nice picture when stacked, pretty head, good top line and right amount of coat, good angles behind. Just preferred the movement of 1 & 2 today.

Friday 21st January 2022 Manchester (CC) - Mr Chris Atkinson (Segantii)

2nd Limit Bitch

Shown to advantage, appealing head and eye, kept a very good outline at all times, scores with a very good forehand, super front extension, she is well bodied up with correct head carriage.

Saturday 11th December 2021 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

2nd Yearling Bitch

A lovely young bitch of 21 months, of correct size and overall proportions and in coat of good quality. Very good feminine head with medium eye and ears correctly set. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Very good forequarters with good width and depth to brisket, ribbed well back to strong loin and muscled hindquarters. Tight round feet with short nails. Moved well and soundly.

Sunday 17th October 2021 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Lord Colin Troth (Collinsmoore)

VHC Yearling Bitch

Sunday 3rd October 2021 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja)

Bitch CC

1st Junior Bitch

Well this young lady is aptly named because I really fell in love with her, she oozes quality and breed type. Beautifully balanced in outline, I loved her head with clean skull and flat cheeks and moderate stop. Strong muscled neck, scores in forehand construction, deep chest with elbows tight to the brisket. Correct length and spring of ribcage, level topline and strong hindquarters. Presented to perfection, she is so accurate on the move lashing her tail as she goes, she really is a lovely girl. I was pleased to award her, her first CC.

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Thursday 23rd September 2021 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Elaine Whitehill (Brizewood/Trevargh)

1st Junior Bitch

Mature bitch for age. Good head & eye. Ample amount of body. Straight front and well muscled quarters. Moved well.

Saturday 21st August 2021 Blackpool - Mrs Julie Darby (Incadar)

Best Of Breed

Best Bitch

Best Junior

1st Junior Bitch

Classic head, appealing eyes and expression, strength in neck to well placed shoulders, deep in chest and excellent body proportions with elbows under body and tight fitting, level topline and correct tail set on the move, strong personality but a very promising showgirl. Pleased to award BB, BOB and BJ.

1st Yearling Bitch

Saturday 14th August 2021 Bournemouth - Ms Andrea Adshead (Afonbach)

1st Junior Bitch

This girl had a beautiful feminine head and expression, a very typy bitch with an excellent front assembly, nice spring of ribs, short loin, nicely bent stifles and well let down hocks. For her young age she was a powerful mover, holding a level topline on the move. Surely one for the future, I liked her very much.

Saturday 7th August 2021 Paignton (CC) - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Junior Bitch

16 months old young lady, feminine head and expression in fact feminine throughout, good front and feet, in good coat, moved well.

1st Yearling Bitch

2nd Novice Bitch

3rd Higham Press Junior Stakes Gundog/Terrier Bitch (Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt))

Wednesday 4th August 2021 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Keith Young (Pyngold)

3rd Junior Bitch

2nd Yearling Bitch

Attractive well presented bitch heavier coated than winner with a balanced outline. Correct head shape with a nice expression. Good front and depth of chest. Well developed quarters of good width. Moved well but lacked the positive drive of winner.

2nd Graduate Bitch

Saturday 31st July 2021 Bath (CC) - Mr Jonathan Daltrey (Bananadance)

3rd Junior Bitch

2nd Yearling Bitch

She too has lots of breed type but just not quite the flow of the winner. I liked her femininity, her ears and her feet. She moved ok.

VHC Novice Bitch

Saturday 24th July 2021 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Ann Moss (Ewtor)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Junior Bitch

Balanced head, good layback, short back, good depth, nice mover. Res CC.

Saturday 10th July 2021 East of England - Mr Richard Bott (Quensha)

1st Junior Bitch

Liked the outline of this lady, enough substance yet maintaining her femininity. Appealing head, clean cheeks with a kind expression. Strong neck of correct length, good front assembly and depth to her chest. Ribs well back to a firm loin, level topline and good finish to the croup. Tail well set and carried correctly on the move. Balanced quarters which were well developed. Well presented and in good coat. Once slowed down she had an accurate footfall and typical jaunty side gait.

1st Yearling Bitch

Saturday 26th June 2021 Southern Counties Canine Association - Sigurd Wilberg

VHC Junior Bitch