Show results for
Afonbach Syrax JW

Saturday 14th December 2024 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mr Russell Mosedale (Knightsbay)

Res Limit Bitch

Sunday 17th November 2024 NSDTR Club of UK Open Show - Mr Ed Casey (Sandylands)

VHC Graduate Bitch

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 26th October 2024 Midland Counties - Miss Sharon Pinkerton (Bareve)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Wednesday 16th October 2024 Gundog Society of Wales - Mr Nigel Worth (Sarabande)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 14th September 2024 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Jacqui Ward (Mianja)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Post Graduate Bitch

2 year old feminine young lady of lovely make and shape, super head of slightly wedge shape and moderate stop, almond shape eye with soft expression, ears well set. Clean neck of medium length into well laid back shoulder, straight forelegs with good bone and feet.Good depth to brisket with moderate tuck up. Well muscled hindquarters with developed 2nd thigh. Presented in good coat and condition. Very sound on the move with good reach and drive. RCC.

Sunday 1st September 2024 City of Birmingham - Mr Roger Perkins (Silkridge/Brent)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Saturday 17th August 2024 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mrs Brenda Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Feminine and balanced, in good coat and condition. Very good neck and shoulders, correct bone, dead level topline to strong hindquarters. Moved with drive.

Wednesday 7th August 2024 United Retriever (CC) - Mr Nick Burchell (Tivalake)

3rd Graduate Bitch

Saturday 3rd August 2024 Paignton (CC) - Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)

2nd Graduate Bitch

Feminine with breed type. Not quite the forehand of the winner. She was up for it and did her job to show her worth. Presented in good condition and coat and liked so much of her.

Saturday 27th July 2024 Leeds (CC) - Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Post Graduate Bitch

Most appealing bitch, just turned 2 years of age, and looked a picture when stood. She is typical and full of breed type. Pleasing feminine head, backskull of good width and slightly rounded, nice amount of strength to the foreface, her eyes are well toning with the coat colour and is so appealing. Good length of neck, firm level topline held at all times, with a good set on of tail. Ribs are nicely sprung and balanced angulation front and back. Showed herself off to advantage on the move, with good reach and drive. Well presented in good coat and handledsympathetically - RBCC

Friday 28th June 2024 Windsor (CC) - Mr David Hutchison (Waverton)

1st Yearling Bitch

Balanced bitch, appealing head and expression, feminine throughout, in good coat, good straight front with tight feet, moved well.

Monday 27th May 2024 Bath (CC) - Mr L Heinesche

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Yearling Bitch

A true female with an excellent length of silhouette and a slightly light bone structure. Very lovely head with standard proportions and shape, expressing great intelligence and a very attentive temperament. The front and rear angulations are very present and harmonious, providing effortless efficiency in side movement. The tail is well-set and carried perfectly. The texture of the double coat is of very good quality. RBB

Sunday 19th May 2024 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)

3rd Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 19th May 2024 Scottish Kennel Club (2) - Tom Graham (Nyliram)

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Another quality girl, she has everything in the right place, lovely head & expression, good bone, feet & ribbing, in good coat, unlucky to meet winner on top form today.

Friday 8th March 2024 Crufts (CC) - Mr John Thirlwell (Ferndel)

3rd Yearling Bitch

Another nicely made throughout with good overall construction and balance and moved soundly.

Sunday 10th December 2023 Ladies Kennel Association (CC) - Mrs Jill Peak (Bayard)

2nd Limit Bitch

17 months bitch another nice one pleasing head and expression, clean neck and shoulders, strong body well balanced, good quarters, went well.

Friday 15th September 2023 Darlington (CC) - Mrs Sally Parr (Kymin)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Junior Bitch

Little stunner in a lovely trio in class. Very sweet 14 mo. Lovely pretty feminine head and expression, excellent front assembly, with a compact body and well angled rear. Good topline which she held on the move, and moved straight and true. Deserved RCC.

Sunday 3rd September 2023 City of Birmingham - Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield)

3rd Junior Bitch

Sunday 20th August 2023 Welsh Kennel Club (CC) - Mr Julien Barney (Romaunt)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Junior Bitch

I preferred the overall make, shape and balance. Plenty of substance to her as well. Good bone and feet, with a slight slope to strong pasterns. Well ribbed back and good depth of brisket to the elbow. Slight wedge shaped head with a well set almond eye, with a pleasing expression. Ear, well set back of a medium size. Good strong topline and kept her balance in profile on the move.

Wednesday 9th August 2023 United Retriever (CC) - Mrs Carole Coode (Warringah)

2nd Junior Bitch

Good balanced outline, sweet head set on clean Neck, let into forequarters that could have had a little more angulation, super through the ribs, loin, topline tailset & carriage, Good turn of stifle moved out soundly.

Sunday 6th August 2023 National Gundog Association (CC) - Mr Ray Strudwick (Burpham)

3rd Junior Bitch

Saturday 5th August 2023 Paignton (CC) - Mr Richard Morris (Lascoed)

1st Junior Bitch

Thirteen months compact build balanced proportioned head attractive expression strong bone firm feet very powerful across the loins ribcage well sprung. Good depth of body muscled hindquarters with deep second thighs moved with determined reach and typical head and white tip tail carriage coat dense and correct texture.

Friday 28th July 2023 Leeds (CC) - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

Reserve Bitch CC

1st Junior Bitch

A bitch of literally just over 12 months of age and just entering the Junior bitch classification. Absolutely outstanding with quality all through. So very feminine, balanced and well made all through. Very good head and expression with moderate stop and lovely eye of correct shape and colour. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Neck well set on to excellent shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Well ribbed back with short loin. Well bent stifles. Good bone, neat tight feet and short nails. Completely at one with her handler, with and excellent attitude. An absolute pleasure to award this beautiful young bitch the Bitch Reserve Challenge Certificate.

Saturday 1st July 2023 Windsor (CC) - Mr Frank Kane (Hirontower)

Puppy Group 2 (Judge: Mr David Smith (Oliwoodpoint))

This girl was foot perfect, another who showed all the time, such a pretty head and expression, very well put together and in lovely coat and condition.

Reserve Bitch CC

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Bitch

Stood out today, great type and movement and destined for a good career. RCC in a strong challenge. Later Group 2 in the Puppy Group.

Friday 26th May 2023 Bath (CC) - Dr N Lemo

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Bitch

Well-built puppy female with moderate angulation in both the front and rear. Her body lines are balanced, featuring a strong neck and a well-developed chest. She moves with grace and power, demonstrating a smooth and flowing gait.

1st Junior Bitch

3rd Graduate Bitch

Saturday 20th May 2023 Scottish Kennel Club (CC) - Mr David Shields (Wilholme)

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Bitch

Very promising puppy who is so well put together for her age and if she continues on these lines sure she will have a bright future. Good size, compact and so well balanced. Best of heads with a very typical outlook. Pleasing front, good layback of shoulder, well sprung ribs for her age, and good width of quarters. Correct tailset and carriage. Has that jaunty and springy action the standard asks for and so sound fore and aft, BP.

1st Junior Bitch

2nd Post Graduate Bitch

Sunday 7th May 2023 Birmingham National (CC) - Mrs Penny Williams (Bournehouse)

3rd Puppy Bitch

3rd Junior Bitch

2nd Graduate Bitch

From a very similar mould, well constructed with very good shoulder placement, strong top-line and good tail set, good front, bone and feet, strong hindquarters, sound steady mover, more settled and collected in this class, good coat and condition.

Sunday 30th April 2023 WELKS - Ms M Sargent

2nd Puppy Bitch

Another lovely puppy, just lost out today as she needs to strengthen in head, but plenty of time for that to happen. Rest is all similar to 1, moved well

2nd Junior Bitch

Saturday 25th March 2023 NSDTR Club of UK Championship Show (CC) - Mr Frank Whyte (Kazval)

2nd Junior Bitch

Medium sized with clean wedge-shaped head. Good eye shape well set ears. Good neck legs and feet. Good rib and well angled rear. Good tail and carriage. In good condition and moved well.

Thursday 9th March 2023 Crufts (CC) - Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream)

Best Puppy

1st Minor Puppy Bitch

I loved this naughty puppy whom I am sure has a very bright future. Well balanced all through. Super head shape with skull at the right breadth for her age, clean cheeks and gradually tapering muzzle. Clean neck leading to well laid shoulder and corresponding length and return of upper arm. Chest of good depth with elbows well placed. Well sprung ribcage with loin showing moderate tuck up. Level topline. Scores in hindquarters with well bent stifles and parallel rear pasterns. Excellent bone and feet. Super coat and condition. On the move she demonstrated a lovely springy gait. She has all the attitude and confidence in the world! BP

1st Puppy Bitch

3rd Junior Bitch

Friday 6th January 2023 Boston - Mrs Jan Andrews (Aftonmarsh)

3rd Puppy Bitch

3rd Junior Bitch

Res Open Bitch