Open Show results for
Tiamaria Harvest Gold
Sunday 1st March 2020 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Miss Tess Newson
VHC Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 1st February 2020 Isle of Ely Canine Society - James Newton (Patamoke)
VHC Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 7th April 2019 East Anglian Gundog Society - Miss Roxanne McDonald (Roanjora)
Res Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 22nd April 2018 Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club - Mrs Hilary Male (Malenbrook)
Best Of Breed
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Masculine dog who presented a balanced outline. Clean medium neck leading to well laid back shoulders, deep chested, well sprung ribs, level topline, good bend of stifle, would prefer tighter front feet, moved well in all directions. BOB.
Sunday 3rd January 2016 Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club - Mrs Chris Schofield (Cwsscwn)
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 17th October 2015 Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club - Mr David Bell (Balintyne)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
young dog who lacked body on the day, has a pleasing head and eye, wide hindquarters and an easy stride on the move. RBOB
Friday 18th September 2015 Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society - Mrs Susan Webster (Benjcroft)
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
Strong young boy of good balance and proportions. Pleasing head and eye, straight front and good feet. Firm topline, very good bend of stifle and correct tailset. Moved out typically
Sunday 14th June 2015 Newmarket & District Canine Society - Mr David Alcorn (Rutilus)
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 19th April 2015 Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club - Mr Eddie Webster (Benjcroft)
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 29th March 2015 Wellingborough & District Canine Society - Jacque Bayne (Corranroo)
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch