Open Show results for
Gingafing Let's Go Crazy
Wednesday 30th August 2023 Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society - Joy Middleton (Variare)
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
A slightly more petite female. Kind expression, medium stop, muzzle tapers from stop to nose. Medium almond shaped eyes. Would prefer a longer length of neck. Deep chest, would prefer a little more leg length. Well muscled, stifles well bent. Springy on the move.
Tuesday 4th October 2022 Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society - Chrissie Pearce (Miska)
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
4 year old bitch, nice type, good head with correct shaped eyes giving a good expression, nice set ears well feathered, moderate neck and shoulders, balance to body and good bone. Lost her top line on the move, but happy girl.
Res Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 5th February 2022 Isle of Ely Canine Society - Jacque Bayne (Corranroo)
3rd Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 19th September 2021 Sheringham & District Kennel Association - Mrs Wendy Pickup (Blenstone)
Res Limit Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 13th October 2019 Hitchin & District Canine Society - Mr Patrick Fielder (Cretshengan)
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Smaller all through, a good three and a half year old bitch. Carrying on the theme of the day another happy soul enjoying showing herself off.
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Proportions were a little long and low for me on this girl but with a good reach of neck, level topline which she held on the move and tail nicely carried up too.
Sunday 21st July 2019 Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society - Paul Richardson (Weisel)
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
In good coat, Balanced with a well proportioned head. Well laid back shoulders and straight in front with enough depth of chest. Level top line held well on the move with correst tail carriage. Moved out well.
Sunday 14th July 2019 East of England Ladies Kennel Society - Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood)
3rd Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 8th June 2019 Newmarket & District Canine Society - Mrs Emily Evans (Eminala)
3rd Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 21st April 2019 Norfolk & Norwich Canine Society - Mrs Sarah Phipps-Baker (Maddouse)
Best Of Breed
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
Balanced bitch in darker coat color correct eye & ear shape good topline carrying tail correctly. Moved out nicely with good feet, Pleased to award BOB.
Friday 19th April 2019 Chertsey & District Canine Society - Linda Saich (Lindcoly)
VHC Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 16th February 2019 Maidenhead & District Canine Society - Miss Alexandra Adshead (Afonbach)
Res Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 11th November 2017 Huntingdonshire Canine Society - Mrs Marina Scott (Belsmard)
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 28th October 2017 Mid Herts Gundog Club - Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
Res Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 17th September 2017 Sheringham & District Kennel Association - Julie Ewart (Beaupippin)
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 30th October 2016 Mid Herts Gundog Club - Gill Tully
Reserve Best Of Breed
Best Puppy
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
I love the affix by the way. Lovely bitch who needs lots of training and confidence to asses properly but I did like her, super type. BP RBOB.
Saturday 15th October 2016 Hitchin & District Canine Society - Mr Mike Lewin (Vynesbrook)
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch