Open Show results for
Tivalake Let's Misbehave JW

Wednesday 14th February 2024 United Retriever Club - Gretel Osbourne (Elgert)

Reserve Best Of Breed

Reserve Best Dog

2nd Open Dog

again a really lovely dog to go over. Slightly smaller throughout than 1, but similar in many ways. Such a correct outline on the stack, nothing over done but just correct. Head of lovely shape and proportions, very expressive eye, good colour. Neck correct with good shoulder placement, nice front angulations allowing good footfall on the move, not as strong in loin as 1, he just dropped his topline slightly on the move but such a lovely dog to go over, moved with drive. RBD, RBOB

Sunday 3rd December 2023 Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association - Nicola Nevers (Sheldrake)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Wednesday 25th October 2023 United Retriever Club - Jane Johnson (Tarnlaikers)

VHC Open Dog

Saturday 7th October 2023 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mr James Newton (Patamoke)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

One I have done well previously as a younger dog and he did not fail to impress today. Excellent overall type and shape, being slightly shorter in body than 1. Excellent head shape with plenty of skull and correct amount of stop. Well angled forehand with straight limbs and tidy feet. Excellent maturity through his body, holding a level topline at all times. Prefer more bend of stifle to be critical. Goes with real gusto on the move maintaining his shape at all times.

Monday 1st May 2023 Chelmsford & District Canine Society - Matthew Oddie (Riowood/Ragus)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

Medium size. Correct slight wedge-shaped head. Medium neck and well laid shoulder. Deep chest, good ribbing and topline. Well turned stifle. Tight feet. Moved well in front but could be a bit more positive behind. Good head and tail carriage. RBOB.

Saturday 18th March 2023 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mr Harry Nelson (Byeways)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 5th March 2023 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)

Reserve Best Of Breed

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Another quality boy. Everything in the right place. Good movement and balance. Very close decision between 1st and 2nd. RBOB

Sunday 19th February 2023 Kent County Canine Association - Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood)

Reserve Best Of Breed

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Another quality dog and I have had these two the other way round before, he is just right for size, in super coat & condition, pleasing head & expression, good front, firm topline, well developed quarters. Moved out well with good reach & drive. RBOB

Wednesday 15th February 2023 United Retriever Club - Mrs Chris Schofield (Cwsscwn)

Reserve Best Of Breed

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Pleasing head to this boy with correct planes. Best of legs and feet that are well boned. Coat of correct texture. Firm topline with a good tail set. Moved true and with the jauntiness this breed requires. RBOB

Sunday 5th February 2023 East Kent Canine Society

2nd AV Not Bred By Exhibitor Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Cath Moffat (Kyleca))

Well balanced Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever, liked his head, strong neck and shoulders, good bone, he moved out well and was presented in excellent coat and condition.

Sunday 18th December 2022 South of England Gundog Club - Mr Ed Casey (Moyglass)

Group 4 (Judge: Michael Masters (Manchella))

Mature boy, standing four square with lovely breed type and balance throughout, strong in front construction, well ribbed with good depth. Sound on the move and at one with his handler putting in a great performance in this quality line up.

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

Dog of pleasing size and balance who is very positive on the move particularly in profile. Stronger in head than I prefer. Neck of good length, shoulders well positioned, excellent legs and well padded feet. Correct body depth and well ribbed back, firm level topline which he held on the move. Shown in optimum body and muscletone, coat of correct texture. BOB

Wednesday 26th October 2022 United Retriever Club - Mrs Vicki Sharpe (Rosettia)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 23rd October 2022 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mr David Alcorn (Lourdace/Comalegy)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

This d is lovely to go over, but really excels on the move and his handler gets the very best out of him. Uses every inch of his well constructed body to advantage going around, where he produces a sound economic stride with excellent length of stride, no over-reaching, and accuracy of footfall. In first class order and well handled. In the challenge he just lowered his head and went around with such ease to take BoB.

Sunday 26th June 2022 Eastbourne & District Canine Society - Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

What a picture he looked, just right for size, in good coat & condition, Lovely head & expression, good front, firm topline, well developed quarters. Moved out well with good reach & drive. Super quality & balance both standing and on the move

Sunday 6th March 2022 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Another lovely example of the breed and pushed the winner hard but I just prefer the head. Impressive in profile and another quality dog who is well made and moved effortlessly round the ring.

Saturday 26th February 2022 Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

4yr D. Heavier build than 1st but a well put together dog of good size and another in good condition. Lovely forequarters with good forechest. Correct topline to well angled muscular rear. Another true driving mover.

Wednesday 16th February 2022 United Retriever Club - Mr Richard Stafford (Farnfield)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Another of good breed type would have preferred more chest, well bodied with enough bone, good quarters another good mover.

VHC AV Retriever Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Di Arrowsmith (Fleetapple))

Sunday 5th December 2021 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Miss Laura Sharpe (Rosettia)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

broad head with flat cheeks and a pleasing eye of correct shape that blend well with coat. Medium length neck into level topline. Well sprung ribs with a strong loin providing power on the move. Head carried well, good reach and drive. BOB.

2nd Open Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Hilary Male (Malenbrook))

Sunday 31st October 2021 South of England Gundog Club - Miss Christine Powley (Danehaven)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Hard choice between 1 and 2, lots to like about this chap, lovely head and ears and good strong well laid shoulders and rear angulation. Just preferred the bitch’s movement.

Saturday 30th October 2021 Mid Herts Gundog Club - Mrs Jenny Millard (Acoustica/Rubylea)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Limit Dog Or Bitch

This male really appealed upstanding gent very clean coming and going really scores in depth of chest and has a lovely double coat although perhaps lacked a touch of feathering to complete an otherwise very sound performance handled to best advantage RBOB.

Monday 30th August 2021 South West Essex Canine Association - Mr Trevor Smith (Goldmarker)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 16th February 2020 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mrs Pat Butler-Holley (Shandwick)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 1st February 2020 Isle of Ely Canine Society - James Newton (Patamoke)

Reserve Best Of Breed

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Unlucky to meet his father today! Really appealed for his compactness, strength and medium size. Masculine wedge-shaped head with good shape and breadth to skull. Moderate stop and correct tapering to muzzle. Excellent forehand with good length and angle of upper arm with well developed forechest. Strong topline with correct length of leg. To be critical, I would prefer a little more bend of stifle. Croup and tailset is correct. He can be considered a little unassuming on the stack, on the move this dog is hard to not notice! Steady and sound both going and coming with a very determined, jaunty and ground covering side gait using his excellent front to advantage while demonstrating a typical lowered head carriage. RBOB, congratulations!

Friday 27th December 2019 Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society - Marc Wheeldon (Catnnels)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

(D) gain another quality boy and a lovely type, masculine but not over done with correct front and rear construction, well boned but again not over done and in good hard condition. Superb dog in profile as well as moving around the ring. RBOB

Sunday 8th December 2019 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

Now 2yrs old and maturing nicely I have done him well as a youngster and he still continues to please. Good size and shape, masculine head of correct proportions and shape. Very good forequarters with well laid shoulders, good forechest and deep well sprung ribs. Level topline when stood correctly over a short well muscled loin to a well angled rear with correct tail set and carriage. Correct movement with reach and drive. BOB

Wednesday 18th September 2019 Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society - Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch

Outgoing 23 month old dog, who showed himself off with confidence, and letting his presence be known. Thought him just right for balance and construction. Liked his masculine clean cut head, slightly wedge shaped, expressive almond shaped eye, all giving an intelligent expression. His well muscled neck flowing into a firm and well held topline. Good depth to the brisket and standing on well boned limbs. Strong hindquarters. Shown with a double coat and nicely feathered. At one with his handler, to move out with drive – Lovely young dog – RBOB

Sunday 14th July 2019 Hampshire Gundog Society - Mr Steve Richardson (Carlequin)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch

very promising youngster, good in head shape and eye. Straight in front on tight feet, deep chest and and strong body over all very well balanced and moved well. RBOB

Monday 6th May 2019 Chelmsford & District Canine Society - Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch

Cracking young dog, at 19 months showing all the virtues and breed type. Hehas an impressive outline, with a lovely flow from nose to tail. He has the desired clean cut head, showing a good wedge shape, with an intelligent and willing to please expression. He is well developed through the body, with a good spring of rib. Liked hishindquarters which have a good width and bend to the stifle. Moving out with the typical jaunty action - RBOB

Saturday 13th April 2019 Crystal Palace Canine Association - Mr Mike Lewin (Vynesbrook)

Best Of Breed

1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

18 mth old dog of a nice size. Appealing head with correct proportions, eye shape and colour. Well put together all through with lovely coat and in great condition. Must have a bright future, his kennelmate was a distraction to him today.

Sunday 17th March 2019 Hampshire Gundog Society - Mrs Heather Gibson (Erikachen)

Reserve Best Of Breed

1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Super boy shown in excellent condition. Good overall balance. Lovely masculine, wedge shaped head with correct earset. Straight front with well laid back shoulder. Good rear angulation. Well boned throughout with good spring of ribs. Very well muscled helping him move with drive round the ring. Fabulous coat. Just lost out for BoB. RBoB

2nd AV Good Citizen Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Karen Richardson)

Well balanced body, wedge shaped head. Good coat & colour, heavily feathered tail. moved well with correct head & tail carriage.

Sunday 30th September 2018 East Anglian Gundog Society - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

Reserve Best Of Breed

Best Puppy

1st Junior Dog Or Bitch

Lovely young male of 11 months of age. Very striking and extremely well balanced who presented a very good outline stacked. Very good type. Head of good proportions and in balance, with pleasing expression. Correct, clean and complete dentition. Very good forehand layback of shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Ribcage of good length into strong loin. Well made hindquarters, moderate turn of stifle, excellent bone throughout. Moved very well and accurate both fore and aft showing a good open gait in profile. Best Puppy and Reserve Best Of Breed. Additionally, I was pleased to see this young dog placed in the Reserve Best Of Breed class.

Saturday 29th September 2018 Barking Canine Club - Ms Andrea Adshead (Afonbach)

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Litter brother to 1, he too was shown in excellent condition for his age with good muscle tone and handled well. He doesn't quite have the angulation and driving movement of his sister, but still strong in topline with balanced and moderate construction. Will be interesting to see how he matures and settles in his movement.

Sunday 23rd September 2018 South of England Gundog Club - Mrs Janet Morris (Penrose)

Reserve Best Of Breed

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch

A well balanced and nicely proportioned young dog. Pleasing head and neck, level topline with a good depth in body, would have like to have seen a little more angulation front and rear which would give him better reach and drive. Straight moving. A rich red colour with nice amount of white. RBOB & BP.

Thursday 20th September 2018 Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society - Miss Michelle Elkin (Tollelkin)

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch

11 month old dog. Shown in lovely condition well muscled and mature for his age. Lovely head with well placed ears, moderate stop and almond shaped eyes. Good depth of chest, lovely straight forelegs and nice tight feet. Good front and rear angulation, strong level topline that he held well both standing and on the move. Positive happy mover, very well handled. BP.

Sunday 22nd July 2018 Hampshire Gundog Society - Mrs Gill May (Simbaroah)

Reserve Best Of Breed

Best Puppy

1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch

Very attractive 9 month boy. He has the correct triangular ear shape, carried well, complete scissor bite. Strong neck, well laid back shoulders and even at this young age, he displays a deep chest and well developed muscle to his hind quarters. Stylish on the move and once he got his tail up, it completed the picture. BP & RBOB, Pleased to see him shortlisted for BPIS

1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 21st July 2018 Southampton & District Canine Association - Mrs Jan Andrews (Aftonmarsh)

2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch

Another lovely puppy from the same litter. The same comments apply though he is slightly larger than his brother and did not move as well

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

3rd AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora))

Sunday 24th June 2018 Eastbourne & District Canine Society - Miss Isobel West (Raynechaser)

Best Puppy

1st Junior Dog Or Bitch

Nicely showed puppy, good broad shaped skull with a well sloped stop. Well boned forelegs with well laid back shoulders. Had a good depth of chest, nice shape of body. Neat coat in good condition. Muscular hindquarters. Moved well with good reach, just not as good moving behind. (BPIB).

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 6th May 2018 South of England Gundog Club - Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale)

2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch

Super puppy male of just 7 months and litter brother to my first placed bitch. Well balanced all through and slightly more mature than his litter sister. Well proportioned head and pleasing expression to match. Correct clean and complete dentition. Good forehand assembly and has a correct layback of shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Ribcage of good length into strong loin. Well made hindquarters, bone of excellent substance throughout and excellent feet with short nails. Moved well.

1st AV Gundog Minor Puppy Dog (Judge: Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood))

My notes say stunning, 7 mths old quality toller shown in super coat and condition, wedged shape head, moderate stop, such a kind and alert expression, well made throughout, strong topline, well developed quarters, liked his length of leg which gave him such balance, moved precisely with lovely reach and drive. A pleasure to award him Best AV Gundog Adult and Best AV Gundog puppy

Sunday 22nd April 2018 South West Essex Canine Association - Sue Ross (Sokenlea/Rosselle)

Best Puppy

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Gorgeous 6 month old dog puppy. So composed and steady. Good angles. Sympathetically handled. BP.

Saturday 14th April 2018 Wellingborough & District Canine Society - Miss Christine Powley (Danehaven)

2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch

. Six month old dog puppy, slighter in build than 1st, not so heavy in bone, moved out well. Good head, shoulders and feet.

1st AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale))

) Lovely NSDTR dog at just 6 months of age, showing like an old pro and full of character. For one so young he was so balanced in outline, of a nice size and compact. Nicely wedged shaped head, with almond shaped eyes that tone with colouring. Good depth for his age and kept a firm level topline. Strode out on the move and at one with his handler.

Sunday 1st April 2018 East Anglian Gundog Society - Bridgette Bodle (Kitarn)

3rd Puppy Dog Or Bitch

2nd AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Gloria Horrocks (Itchenwych))

but he didn't! Deep in brisket, balanced angulation. Nice headpiece, correct earset, eye colour blending with coat.