Open Show results for
Eusanit Peaky Blinder

Saturday 15th February 2025 Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club - Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)

Reserve Best Of Breed

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 2nd February 2025 The Merseyside Gundog Club - Mr David Alcorn (Lourdace/Gunalt)

2nd Limit Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 1st February 2025 Isle of Ely Canine Society - Bridgette Bodle (Lionsridge)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 26th January 2025 Stoke on Trent & District Gundog Club - Mr Graeme Hughes (Kittyshaw)

2nd Open Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 25th January 2025 Redditch & District Canine Society - Jane Baker (Mattiboo)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 5th January 2025 Worcester & Malvern Canine Society - Mrs Carolyn Adkins-Fry (Bedeslea)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Monday 30th December 2024 Luton Canine Association - Mr Simon Luxmoore (Hushwing/Zima)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 22nd December 2024 Darwen Canine Society - Ms L Harvey-Major (Linjor)

Res Open Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 1st December 2024 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Mr James Kelly (Vansant)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

6yo d Really super dog of good size and overall balance and in fit condition. Laid back chap but moved the best of the day and with the best tail carriage on the move. So head all good and front assembly good and good hindquarters. Lovely feet and bone. Happy to award BOB

Sunday 24th November 2024 Sedgley & Gornal Canine Association - Mr Tom Johnston (Feldkirk)

Best Of Breed

1st Open Dog Or Bitch

Wednesday 23rd October 2024 United Retriever Club - Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)

Reserve Best Dog

1st Open Dog

Mature compact balanced dog producing a good outline. Powerful and muscled. Masculine head, broad and slightly rounded. Medium sized almond shaped eyes of correct colour. Good length of strongly muscled neck, flowing into well laid shoulders. Elbows close to body, with fore legs straight and strong. Round, tight, well arched feet. Good length of leg, deep chest with brisket reaching elbows. Correct topline, spring of ribs and short loin. Well-muscled hindquarters. Moved well. RESERVE BEST DOG.

2nd Any Variety Retriever - Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale))

6 year old NSDTR, who showed himself off in style, close decision for 1st place. Liked his overall size and shape. Masculine head, with a well shaped eye and high set ears, giving an alert expression. Well developed through the body with a good topline. Moved out well, showing good drive.

Sunday 8th September 2024 Mid Western Gundog Society - Mr William Orzel (Braxton)

2nd Open Dog

Another excellent example of the breed, well constructed with good balanced outline, pleasing head, straight front and good lay of shoulder, level topline, strong rear but movement did not have the drive of 1

2nd AV Gundog Good Citizen Dog (Judge: Mrs Sandy Lane (Kulawand))

Wednesday 15th February 2023 United Retriever Club - Mrs Chris Schofield (Cwsscwn)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

2nd AV Retriever Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Aidine Howes (Medogold))

I see from the catalogue this is a Toller kennel type I admire good head folded ears carried close to head eyes blend with coat straight front clean shoulder well sprung rib with depth of brisket moderate turn to stifle in good coat carried tail correctly steady mover

Saturday 28th January 2023 Lichfield Canine Society - Mrs Samantha Savory (Croftwell/Katimba)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Monday 2nd January 2023 Worcester & Malvern Canine Society - Paula Hill (Sandaula)

Res Any Variety Gundog Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Samantha Whiting (Annilann))

Wednesday 28th December 2022 Ashbourne & District Canine Society

2nd AVNSC Gundog Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Christine Schofield (Cwsscwn))

Pleasing boy with a lovely head shape. Liked his reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders. Well ribbed and short loin provided the outline wanted. He is well muscled. Positive jaunty movement.

Tuesday 27th December 2022 Stourbridge & District Canine Society - Alastair Moss (Ewtor/Davigdor)

3rd Open Dog Or Bitch

Res Any Variety Open Stakes Dog (Judge: Miss W Mee)

Monday 3rd January 2022 Worcester & Malvern Canine Society - Miss Deborah Anstead (Riverwatcher)

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

3yr old dog, this boy pushed hard for the 1st place but was just not settled today. He dropped his topline whilst standing and was not as animated on the move as 1.

Res AV Crufts qualified Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt))

Sunday 17th October 2021 Mid Western Gundog Society - Miss Roxanne McDonald (Roanjora)

3rd Post Graduate Dog

Saturday 25th January 2020 Lichfield Canine Society - Miss Alexandra Adshead (Afonbach)

3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

3rd in Junior. 17mo dog. Liked his overall head shape very much, very typy with strong muzzle clearly capable of carrying game. Slightly shorter in neck than 1, and would like a little more front angulation. Well ribbed and short coupled. Good width across the loin. Moved and handled well today.

Saturday 11th January 2020 Worcester & Malvern Canine Society - Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora)

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Love the outline of this 17mth D. Good head and eyes, well made forequarters, good depth and spring of rib, level topline back to a well made rear. Moved well with good reach and drive.

Res AV Gundog Junior Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora))

Sunday 29th December 2019 Wirral Kennel Association - Mr J Roberts (Mirkwood)

1st Junior Dog Or Bitch

Well balanced in good coat and condition, good clean head with pleasing expression, well muscled throughout with good angulation, good mover.

1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Friday 27th December 2019 Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society - Marc Wheeldon (Catnnels)

1st Junior Dog Or Bitch

(D) With my Puppy winner back in this class it had to take something special to win the class and this dog didn’t disappoint, maturity shone through in the end. With good balance and angulation, he was certainly the stand out for me in this excellent class. He moved around the ring effortlessly and with ease.

1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 1st December 2019 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Miss Isobel West (Raynechaser)

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

15 month old dog, strong and well boned. With a broad skull with a pleasing darker eye but preferred head of 1st. Well sprung ribs with good tuck up. Heavily coated with a good texture. Moved with power and covered ground well. Seemed to enjoy his time in the ring.

3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 24th November 2019 Sedgley & Gornal Canine Association - Ms Andrea Adshead (Afonbach)

Res Junior Dog Or Bitch

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Reserve in the junior class and litter brother to 1, but not as well put together at the moment. He has a good typical wedge shaped head, well proportioned. He has ample bone and substance, good front and rear assemblies, and a lovely deep chest. A little long cast for a male, but still time to grow on in leg and square up. He had moments where he moved very well and held a level topline once he was more settled in this second class. A lovely jaunty mover with a good stride. Really needs to pay attention to his handler more to get the best out of him.

Sunday 3rd November 2019 Rhyl Canine Society - Andy Swannell (Rickory)

3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 20th October 2019 Northwich & District Canine Society - Pat Stockton (Kespas)

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

3 rd in Junior. Nice boy with good front angles and attractive outline. Not quite as steady on the move as the winner.

3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Saturday 19th October 2019 Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club - Mrs Denyse Whitehead (Foxriever)

2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch

14 months old. I liked this boy a lot and he kept catching my eye on the stack. Unfortunately, he just did not want to show today and gave his handler a hard time. Overall balanced and good head, level topline with good rear quarters though not the angulation of first. Just let down by his movement.

14 months old. I liked this boy a lot and he kept catching my eye on the stack. Unfortunately, he just did not want to show today and gave his handler a hard time. Overall balanced and good head, level topline with good rear quarters though not the angulation of first. Just let down by his movement.

Tuesday 18th June 2019 The Royal Cheshire County Show - Mrs Sandra Govier (Goviz)

2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch

itter brother to one, with all the same qualities. Was slightly less settled on the move but on another day places could easily be reversed

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Sunday 16th June 2019 Chepstow & District Canine Society - Debbie Fenn (Jandeburn)

Best Puppy

1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch

Lovely 10 month old puppy that really caught my eye when he came into the ring. Lovely Masculine, yet pleasing head, good front and rear angles, correct bone and neat feet, shown in lovely coat, moved out well. Best Puppy In Breed.

Saturday 15th June 2019 Ruthin Canine Society - Miss Isobel West (Raynechaser)

2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch

Very sturdy and well-muscled. Nice broad skull with an alert expression. Heavily coated and well boned. Good bend of stifle and moved well with power, quite a character. Preferred winner on the day.

Sunday 17th February 2019 Mid Western Gundog Society - Mrs Julie Darby (Incadar)

Best Puppy

1st Minor Puppy Dog

Very much to like. Head clean cut and balanced, eyes of good colour and shape, ears set on high which all contributed to a melting alert expression. Excellent front angulation. Deep in chest and elbows close. Good bone. Well developed rear. Good topline and tail carried well and moved very steady for one so young. In excellent coat and condition and well presented. Pleased to award BP.

1st Puppy Dog