Open Show results for
Katimba Panti Rippa
Sunday 15th May 2022 Herts & Essex Border Canine Society - Ms Dawn Hall (Ghilgrange)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Nice male, good head and eye. Balanced angulation. Well feathered tail. Good muscle. Moved well. (RBOB).
Saturday 14th May 2022 Wickford, Basildon & District Canine Society - Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)
VHC Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 17th October 2021 Mid Western Gundog Society - Miss Roxanne McDonald (Roanjora)
VHC Junior Dog
2nd Yearling Dog
A finer dog and would like a bit more of him, but he is balanced. Carried a strong level topline and moved OK but had a tendency to skip.
Sunday 19th September 2021 Sheringham & District Kennel Association - Mrs Wendy Pickup (Blenstone)
3rd Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
Monday 30th August 2021 South West Essex Canine Association - Mr Trevor Smith (Goldmarker)
3rd Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Liked this dog a lot and have recently judged him. He is a larger framed dog who needs time to fill his frame. Lovely head and expression with moderate stop and correct eye shape and medium size ear, straight front leading to tight feet, good bend of stifle, moved soundly.