Open Show results for
Afonbach Syrax JW
Sunday 12th January 2025 Goyt Valley Gundog Society - Dr Kirsten Bond (Pharises)
1st Limit Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 5th January 2025 Lichfield Canine Society - Emma Warren (Shorrocks)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 16th November 2024 Gundog Club of North Wales - Fiona Donaldson
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 3rd November 2024 Hyde & District Canine Association - Tanya Lewis (Penmartan)
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 27th October 2024 Yorkshire Gundog Club - Mrs Vicki Sharpe (Rosettia)
Best Of Breed
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 19th October 2024 Tredegar & District Canine Society - Graham Hart (Gilliegrae)
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 6th October 2024 Aberystwyth & District Canine Society - Miss Alayna Morland (Zoraden)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Pretty girl who is very together. Nice outline, very typey, and good coat. Good bone. Stands foursquare. Sound mover holding outline. RBOB
Saturday 5th October 2024 Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club - Mr Mark Slimak
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Kind feminine head of correct proportions In good coat with nice tail set. Nothing overdone, Not as good on the move as 1.
Sunday 29th September 2024 Stoke on Trent & District Gundog Club - Robert Cross (Knotdog)
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 22nd September 2024 Goyt Valley Gundog Society - Mrs Kathy Moores (Walgoreg)
2nd Limit Dog Or Bitch
Another nice shown in good coat & condition. Just preferred head of 1. Nice eye colour. Open nose. Well angulated fore & aft. Nice spring of rib & depth of chest. Level topline. Good bend of stifle.Moved well.
1st AV RESERVE CC STAKES Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale))
A bitch of just over 2 years of age. Extremely well made and balanced all through. Very feminine. Presented a good clean and typical outline. Excellent head and expression with well set ears and flat cheeks, eye of correct colour and shape, dentition correct, clean and complete. She has an excellent forehand assembly and corresponding construction. Deep chest of good width, well ribbed back into strong loin. Muscular hindquarter assembly with moderate bend of stifle. Tight feet with short nails. Moved extremely well.
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Compact and balanced B Throughout, moved well and tail never stopped, keen expression
Sunday 8th September 2024 Rhyl Canine Society - Alastair Moss (Ewtor/Davigdor)
2nd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Another well constructed example of the breed just preferred the winner in fore quarters today
Wednesday 21st August 2024 Merioneth Agricultural Society - Arwyn Ellis (Dolwen)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Kid headed bitch.Good pigmentation with flared nostrils.Good eye colour.Well laid back shoulders.Deep chested with well sprung ribs.Well muscled behind.Well let down hocks.Moved well. R.B.O.B.
Sunday 16th June 2024 Northwich & District Canine Society - Bev Dummett (Almondsbury)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
pretty girl with good head piece, looked the part standing and moving, good body proportions, correct topline and tail carriage. shown in lovely bloom.
Saturday 15th June 2024 Ruthin Canine Society - Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
very typy bitch whose good for size. She has a clean cut head, good shoulders, ok for ribbing, good coat and feathering and moving off well on her muscular quarters holding her topline
Sunday 3rd March 2024 Ashton-in-Makerfield Canine Society - Tricia Grime (Ansona)
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
feminine compact young bitch, I liked her for type and size, good head with alert expression, strong neck into well laid shoulder, good depth of chest and spring of rib, well-muscled hindquarters, correct undercoat & well feathered, lively mover covering her ground well, pleased to award her BOB
Sunday 25th February 2024 Yorkshire Gundog Club - Graham Erving
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Beautiful feminine bitch, full of breed type in excellent coat. Well sprung ribs with her brisket reaching to elbow. Back short, level topline held on the move. Plenty of drive from well developed hindquarters.
Sunday 11th February 2024 Barrow & District Kennel Association - Jill Holgate (Nadavin)
Res Open Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 18th November 2023 Gundog Club of North Wales - Elaine Bradley (Highforce)
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
16m B, I liked her for type & size, good head with dark eye, strong neck into well laid shoulder, correct front assembly with good depth of chest and spring of rib, well-muscled hindquarters, probably the best muscle tone of my whole entry today, I would have liked slightly rounder, tighter front feet, coat of a lovely rich red with correct undercoat & well feathered, lively mover covering her ground well
Best Of Breed
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
13 month old bitch presenting a most balanced outline, pretty head clean in skull, slightly wedge shaped with flat cheeks, ears set high and well back on skull, good neck set into well laid shoulders, good in body and well developed for age, well set on tail, moved impressively for one so young. Best of Breed.
Wednesday 19th July 2023 Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society - Miss Carol Moore (Gadhelic)
Best Of Breed
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
What an exciting prospect this young bitch is. She has a classic head, wedge shaped with flat cheeks, tapering muzzle and bright amber eyes. She has lovely angulation fore and aft with just the right amount of clean bone. Strong level back with plenty of rib underneath it and her well muscled rear gave the correct amount of propulsion around the ring. In the challenge she seemed to just notch it up a gear and gave a stellar performance to win BOB over the striking open winner who I was informed later was her sire. The apple certainly hasn’t fallen far from the tree there.
Sunday 16th July 2023 Durham County Canine Association - Mrs Geraldine O'Driscoll (Fowington)
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Head in proportion with almond shaped bright eye giving air of alertness. Deep chested with well sprung ribs. Good in coat and moved well.
Tuesday 20th June 2023 Royal Cheshire County Show - Mrs Jenny Millard (Acoustica/Rubylea)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
A little less compact than 1 but not in correct a more moderate head but very appealing scores in eye and dentition, excellent coat, admirably demonstrating its repellent qualities beautifully, moved well with correct level head carriage, unlucky to meet today 1 and I expect they could change places on a different day.
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
3rd Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 17th June 2023 Ruthin Canine Society - Miss Sarah Wood (Bresharo)
1st AV Gundog Junior Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Sarah Wood (Bresharo))
Sunday 28th May 2023 Shropshire Gundog Society - Ms Olivia Danks-Kemish (Alolfrana)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
A very pretty 10month old puppy bitch who I would have gladly taken home today! Pretty head of correct proportions, correct eye shape and colour. Deep chest, level topline, good through the loin, well angulated fore and after. Moved very well. BPIB
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 14th May 2023 Pollard Canine Society - Mrs P Rowark
Puppy Group 4 (Judge: Mrs B Allison)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Best Puppy
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
Lovely 11mth puppy nicely shaped head with a good ear set. Good level topline with well laid back shoulders. Good bend of stifle, strong quarters, moved out well with drive. BP RBOB
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 13th May 2023 Colne, Nelson & District Canine Society - Kirsty Gordon-Smith (Bruxinho)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
lovely front with plenty of fore chest good bone sloping pasterns good depth and spring of rib, tail is correct length and set, sound in hind quarters moved sound.
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
VHC Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 22nd April 2023 Carlisle & District Canine Society - Mrs Mary Neil (Moloko)
2nd Graduate Dog Or Bitch
I’m sure these two will swap places in future battles. She is as feminine as he is masculine. Balanced picture, really appealing. Sweet feminine head, good proportions throughout. She too moved out well and held herself together when going around.
Sunday 16th April 2023 Saltburn & District Canine Society - Mr David Smith (Oliwoodpoint)
Best Puppy
1st Graduate Dog Or Bitch
feminine bitch with a nice head and expression. Good bone and stood well. Well ribbed with good balance while standing. Moved well
Saturday 15th April 2023 Wrexham & District Kennel Society - Ms M Sargent
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Res BILL DAVIES MEMORIAL A. V. PUPPY STAKES Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Marion Sargent)
Sunday 9th April 2023 Hyde & District Canine Association - Ms Melanie Heaton (Brackenstyle)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
1&2 litter sisters and similar remarks apply, both ultra feminine, kind expression with high set ears, good angulation in front and back. 1 just had the edge on movement today.
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 1st April 2023 Clitheroe and District Kennel Association - Elaine Bradley (Highforce)
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
2nd AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Christine Bexon)
Sunday 26th March 2023 Gundog Society of North Wales - Miss Michelle Elkin (Tollelkin)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
8 month old bitch. Lovely wedge-shaped head with a mischievous expression, well placed ears of a good size. Excellent forehand construction, level topline, good depth of chest and strong rear. Stood freely and squarely whenever asked. Moved accurately with great drive just a little loose at present which is to be expected at this age. A quality puppy who just lost out on maturity to 1.
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 19th March 2023 Herts & Essex Border Canine Society - Mr James Kelly (Vasant)
Puppy Group 1 (Judge: Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale))
A bitch of 9 months of age. An extremely well balanced bitch of just 11 months of age, very feminine, balanced and well made all through. Very good head and expression with moderate stop and lovely eye of correct shape and colour. Dentition correct, clean and complete. Neck well set on to excellent shoulder placement and return of upper arm. Well ribbed back with short loin. Well bent stifles. Good bone, neat tight feet and short nails. She had a very nice attitude and moved soundly with drive.
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
A really cracking puppy. Lovely wedge-shaped head with nicely shaped and set ears. Lovely neck for one so young. Lovely smooth flow from neck into topline. Body wise everything just in the right place to result in a springy easy action, good reach & drive. Really super puppy I hope will do well in the future. BP
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
Res AV Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Martyn Rees (Tyndale))
1st AV Minor Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mr G J Gray)
8 months female of good breed type, pleasing overall outline with super movement, lovely head & expression, good mouth, lovely head piece, good eye, well placed ears, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, she is well balanced throughout with good angles & proportions, level back into well moulded croup and tail set, good rear angulation, she was sound both ways with a powerful side gait showing good reach & drive.
2nd AV Puppy Bitch (Judge: Mr G J Gray)
1st AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Becky Johnson (Downstream))
Top quality puppy who recently won BPIB at Crufts when I judged her. She is well balanced all through and very true to type. Head is of a good wedge shape with clean checks. Scores in her forehand construction with well laid shoulder and corresponding return of upper arm. Front legs well under the body. Well ribbed back. Well made hindquarters with hocks set square to the ground. In excellent coat and condition. Moved well with tail held correctly.
Sunday 5th March 2023 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Super puppy. Beautifully made and well balanced throughout. Loved her head, good angles fore and after, level topline. Excellent springy movement. One to watch, with a promising future. BP.
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Res Gill Lewis Minor Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Claire Lewis (Hernwood))
Res AV Gundog Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Claire Lewis (Hernwood))
VHC AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Julien Barney (Romaunt))
Sunday 26th February 2023 Yorkshire Gundog Club - Mr James Newton (Patamoke)
Best Puppy
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
This young lady has personality plus! Really liked her size and strength in bone for age. Very pretty head with a kind expression, aided by high set ears. Excellent shoulder and upper arm with some forechest. At this stage I would prefer slightly more leg but she has time on her side. Plenty of body for one so young with a level topline. Correctly angled croup with corresponding rear angles and short hocks. Once settled, she displayed a jaunty action from all angles. BP, congratulations!
VHC AV Minor Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig))
Saturday 25th February 2023 Newark & District Canine Society - Mrs S Webster (Benjcroft)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Nice quality bitch with lovely head, eye and expression and correct earset. Level topline with correct tailset and moved correctly away and back and with reach and drive on a good stride in profile. Correct coat. Very much together and very balanced. Best Puppy.
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 19th February 2023 St Helens & District Canine Society
Res AVNSC Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Julie Williams (Trebettyn))
2nd AVNSC Gundog Junior Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Julie Williams (Trebettyn))
7months and a real baby, she has a lovely feminine head and a lovely expression, just needs to tighten in front but moved ok
2nd AVNSC Gundog Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Julie Williams (Trebettyn))
Saturday 18th February 2023 Dukeries (Notts) Gundog Club - Miss Laura Sharpe (Rosettia)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Another 7 month old bitch with good bone and well sprung ribs. Balanced and well-schooled on the move, holding her topline. Just preferred overall shape of first. As she is still a young puppy can expect leg length to develop further with time.
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
1st AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch
2nd AV Gundog Minor Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Very typy puppy, attractive head and a kind expression, shapely body, very good angulation behind, moved well
Sunday 12th February 2023 Barrow & District Kennel Association
Res AVNSC Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Samantha Oddie (Sharnphilly))
2nd AV Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Matthew Oddie (Riowood/Ragus))
Raw buts lots to like. Medium sized, compact and well built. Clean cut in head with good proportions and almond eye. Medium length neck set onto well laid shoulder, good upper arm and slight slope to pasterns. Deep chest, well sprung ribs. Level topline. Well turned stifle. On the move she has reach in front and really drove from behind. Lovely baby.
Sunday 5th February 2023 Merseyside Gundog Club - Ms Doreen Smillie-Gray (Oakberrow)
Res Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Res Graduate Dog Or Bitch
3rd AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss E Loynd)
Saturday 4th February 2023 Isle of Ely Canine Society - Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Two promising 7 mth old bitch pups competed here who turned out to be littermates. My winner was this girl who presented a pleasing outline, appealed for type and was good to go over. Moderate length of neck, level topline, rib developing nicely, muscular loin and tail good for set and carriage. Feminine headpiece with moderate stop, flat cheeks and correct dentition. Eye a little rounder than preferred. Soundly constructed both front and rear and moved true and with good ground coverage. Super temperament. Best Puppy.
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 29th January 2023 Stoke on Trent & District Gundog Club - Ms Penny Gowland (Remington)
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Who is just a little behind her sister in development
Res Any Variety Gundog Junior Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Penny Gowland (Remington))
Res AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Penny Gowland (Remington))
Res AV Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Penny Gowland (Remington))
Saturday 28th January 2023 Wellingborough & District Canine Society - Julie Williams (Trebettyn)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
6 months bitch, really fell for this young lady, for one so young she was so sound on the move, loved her head and that lovely expression, good neck and shoulder, good topline and depth to body, stood on ample bone with good feet, ample angulation. Handled to perfection.
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Res AV Minor Puppy Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Chrissie Pearce (Miska))
Sunday 15th January 2023 Nuneaton & District Canine Society
3rd AVNSC Graduate Gundog Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Wendy Pickup (Blenstone))
Sunday 8th January 2023 Goyt Valley Gundog Society - Miss Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
What a beautiful puppy. Lovely head of slight wedge shape and moderate stop. Eye typical in shape with soft expression. Ears well set. Clean neck of medium length. Stands true in front with good return of upper arm. Good depth to brisket with moderate tuck up. Well made hindquarters with plenty width and good muscling. Well coated for age with white on tail tip and feet. Sound on the move. BPIB.
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch