Open Show results for
Sh Ch Eusanit Pride And Joy Via Riverwatcher JW
Monday 30th December 2024 Luton Canine Association - Mr Simon Luxmoore (Hushwing/Zima)
3rd Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 1st December 2024 Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association - Richard Forsythe (Richpin)
Best Of Breed
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 12th May 2024 Gravesend & Medway Towns Canine Society - Carla Tanswell (Waltzaway)
Group 2 (Judge: Miss Carol Moore (Gadhelic))
Best Of Breed
1st Open Dog Or Bitch
Eye catching feminine bitch of almost 2 years old. A bit excited being gone over but her flowing movement won her the class – she moves effortlessly with good reach and drive. Friendly with a really sweet expression, good head and ear carriage. Rich colour with nice coat. Good spring of rib, firm topline and correct tail set. Correct size and a really nice well balanced bitch. BOB and I was delighted to hear she went on to take G2.
1st AV Gundog Open Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Miss Carol Moore (Gadhelic))
Eyecatching NSDTR of correct size and substance. He has a lovely wedge shaped head with a bright eye and alert expression finished off by a nicely placed ear. He has lovely confirmation throughout giving easy, ground covering movement Grp2
Sunday 17th March 2024 Chichester & District Canine Society - Helen Upton (Roydack)
Reserve Best Of Breed
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
I like this bitch a lot, correct size and well-balanced, just lacking the maturity of 1 at this time. Pretty head of correct proportions and expressive eye, clean neck, leading into good lay of shoulders, good depth of chest with ample spring to rib. Moved effortlessly covering the ground with ease and enthusiasm. RBOB.
3rd Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 31st December 2023 Luton Canine Association - Ann Corbett (Trimere)
3rd Graduate Dog Or Bitch
2nd AV Gundog Graduate Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Leanne Moss (Nasaaillen))
Sunday 27th August 2023 Hampshire Gundog Society - Miss Rebecca Blair (Tamesiseatum)
Best Of Breed
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
14 month old bitch, Feminine head, correct set ears, Base held very slightly erect on a well spaced head, strong pasterns, briskiet reaches to elbow, slight tuck up, well muscled hind. Good parallel moment with nice reach. BOB
Wednesday 2nd August 2023 North Devon Agricultural Society - Miss Carol Moore (Gadhelic)
Reserve Best Of Breed
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Tidy bitch just right for size with such a pretty head and expression, lovely eye that matches her colour nicely and well set ears. She had a lovely shoulder and front assembly with a well developed rear giving free, easy movement.
Sunday 25th June 2023 Eastbourne & District Canine Society - Miss Carol Moore (Gadhelic)
Reserve Best Of Breed
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
12 month puppy so pretty and feminine with a lovely wedge shaped head and bright eye. She has a lovely flow of neck into shoulder with a cracking front assembly. Firm in topline with a strong coupling and broad thigh. Although it was very hot she still moved and showed well. One, I’m sure, who has a bright future. BP RBOB
1st Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 10th June 2023 Newmarket & District Canine Society - Huw Bishop (Brynlluan)
RBPIS (Judge: Claire Cooper (Susu/Jayanel))
Handled sympathetically to get the best out of this young bitch. Covered the ground well on the move. Sufficient bone, good front and rear angles, appealing head with correct wedge shape.
Puppy Group 1 (Judge: Huw Bishop (Brynlluan))
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
BP PG1. Really stood out and appealed for type, balance, overall shape and substance. Pleasing head with good eye and expression. Super neck into well-laid shoulders. Good depth of chest. Well ribbed Firm topline and well-developed quarters. Moved strongly, covering the ground well.
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
3rd Post Graduate Dog Or Bitch
2nd Open Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 28th May 2023 Shropshire Gundog Society - Ms Olivia Danks-Kemish (Alolfrana)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
11month old bitch, and many similar remarks apply. Slightly bigger in size than 1st, but not as mature in body. Moved well
3rd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 21st May 2023 South of England Gundog Club - Janis Ward (Laurenley)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Best Puppy, RBOB. Fabulous girl, the most beautiful eye and expression, super temperament and correct tail carriage. Great condition, depth and breadth of chest. Yes, not as mature as the rest but I just loved her fluid, easy, free and effortless movement, very promising
1st Special Yearling Dog Or Bitch
3rd Reserve Best of Breed Stakes Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Janis Ward (Laurenley))
1st AV Gundog Puppy Bitch (Judge: Liz Harper (Pitswarren))
This 11 month NSDTR appealed for type. Pleasing head, good eye, straight front, stands on good legs and feet. Body is strong well balanced and deep. Coat of good texture and quality. She moved with accuracy and drive.
Sunday 16th April 2023 Hitchin & District Canine Society - Mr Peter Upton (Tragus)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
10 months bitch, lovely puppy, good shape, head and eyes, good ears, lovely front and feet, good layback of shoulder, good depth of chest, good top-line and stifles, good coat, moved and handled well, must have a good future, BP.
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
2nd AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Ms Val Jarvis (Lowdon))
Saturday 8th April 2023 Crystal Palace Canine Association - Mrs Sue Warrington (Zakova)
Best Puppy
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
9 mths baby, well handled by her young handler, feminine head, eye, good bone, in lovely coat for age, nice balance moved well. BP
Wednesday 5th April 2023 Windsor Gundog Society - Mrs Janet Morris (Penrose)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Very nice, well put together. 10-month-old bitch puppy. Good size, well balanced, pleasing head, good stop and skull, good ear set and size. Straight legs with good feet. Very pleasing on the move. This baby shows every sign of a promising future, RBOB & BP;
1st Junior Dog Or Bitch
Saturday 18th March 2023 Guildford & District Canine Society - Mr Harry Nelson (Byeways)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Beautiful young lady so at one with her handler, Feminine head of correct proportions alert expression, strong jaw with correct dentition. strong muscled neck, good angulation fore and aft, well offer muscle for age and development moved with drive well handled.BP
Sunday 5th March 2023 Coventry & District Gundog Society - Liz Lacey (Fleetpaw)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Another lovely puppy and could easily change places with 1 on another day. Good balance throughout. Loved her overall shape. Good lay of shoulder, well sprung rib. Moved well.
Res Junior Dog Or Bitch
Sunday 19th February 2023 Kent County Canine Association - Mrs Alison Scutcher (Winsleywood)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Two lovely quality puppies with the winner just slightly more forward in development and balance, she had such pretty head of correct proportions & alert expression, lovely neck & shoulders leading into a good topline, well developed quarters, good bone and feet, moved well. BP
Sunday 12th February 2023 Portsmouth & Southsea Kennel Association - Mrs S Randle (Coppersheen)
2nd Junior Dog Or Bitch
Another youngster, just 7 months, pleasing head with alert expression, happy disposition, well bodied.
VHC AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mrs Sue Clifford (Coppersheen))
Saturday 28th January 2023 Wellingborough & District Canine Society - Julie Williams (Trebettyn)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Another nice puppy just not so sound on the move at this moment in time.
Monday 2nd January 2023 Worcester & Malvern Canine Society - Paula Hill (Sandaula)
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
lovely class of puppies which was won by a 6 month old bitch, standing 4 square for her age, very attentive to her handler who got the best out of her, she has a lovely outline, pleasing head an lovely pigment, carried on a neck of good length, good forehand construction, lovely feet, good bend f stifle with good muscle tone for her age, she moved very well, once she got settled into her stride BPIB
Saturday 31st December 2022 Luton Canine Association - Mr Howard Ogden (Beauview)
2nd Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Litter sister; hard to separate these two as, quite frankly, of equal merit; the same breed specifics; the same structure; also fleet of foot with great carriage; going to be swopping places no doubt.
VHC AV Gundog Puppy Dog Or Bitch (Judge: Mr Ray McDonald (Roanjora))
Tuesday 27th December 2022 Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society - Stephen Goodwin (Lanola)
Puppy Group 2
Lovely Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Ret. Just 6 months old. Such a lovely baby, Lovely well-balanced head which was utterly feminine. nicely arched neck leading to well put together front assembly. She has a good body and depth of chest on her for one so young. Rear end compliments her front, well let down hocks, on the move she was a little erratic but she showed me enough to gain her place here. Well handled by her young handler.
Best Puppy
1st Puppy Dog Or Bitch
Red and white, 6 months old, good head and length of neck, so very well made and moves very well, neat well set ears, sound front has good bone, need to settle move on the move but this will come with more outings. Best Puppy In Breed.